A Change of Guard

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Monday 2 November 2009

Cambodia increased military budget

Cambodian battle tanks on display during the recent military parade on the 15th anniversary of the creation of Division 70, the Body Guard Unit of Prime Minister Hun Sen.

By Khmerization

Cambodia's 2010 military budget had been increased by 23% to $274 million, representing 14% of the total national budget of $1.970 billion, reports Radio Free Asia.

Mr. Phay Siphan, spokesman for the Council of Ministers, told RFA on the afternoon of 31 October, that the increase in the military budget is for the strengthening of the security and national defence. "The government has earmarked more money for national defence sector. We know that defence is an urgent issue as it is the duty of the government to protect (Cambodian) sovereignty and territorial integrity as well as protecting laws and orders such as to defend peace in our country in the case there is an eventual international dispute", he said.

Mr. Kem Sokha, president of the opposition Human Right Party, said an increase in the national defence budget is appropriate, provided that there is a separation of international aid money and national income. "For us, if our country is in danger, such as the current issue of sovereignty and territorial integrity, we are not opposed to an increase in national defence spending because we have border problems. But we must ensure that the money reached the soldiers. However, if our country is at peace we must reduce our defence expenditures gradually. So, in order to solve this problem, we must use our national income to earmark for the defence expenditrues, it is no problem. But if we use money given by donor countries, they will not be happy", he said.

However, Mr. Ou Virak, president of the Cambodian Centre for Human Rights, said the increase in military expenditures will make Cambodia becoming a military junta.


Anonymous said...

I support increase in defense spending provided that the money go to upgrading military hardware and trainings. government must have a mechanism to prevent corruption in defense budget. Buying more modern weapons, tanks and warplanes could be a good step in the building of Cambodian defense capability at a time of border tensions with Thailand.

Anonymous said...

I concur with the increases, but tranparancy is the key to the appropriation of the funds. Like the US, they have a group of law makers deciding on where the money should be best utilized, military hardwards, soldiers salary and others such as intellegence network.

Anonymous said...

An increase in military spending WILL NOT make Cambodia becoming a military junta. Every nation has its own given right to defend itself. Cambodia has such rights. Cambodia is currently not at peace, therefore; it's only common sense for Cambodia to arms itself. If Thailand saw this as a threat, ooh....well.
Currently, Cambodia military weapons of ground, sea, and air are way outdated, there need to be a modernization. This is a perfect timing. I support the decision.