A Change of Guard

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Friday, 30 October 2009

Cambodian dad, four sons electrocuted

Fri, Oct 30, 2009

PHNOM PENH (AFP)- A Cambodian father and his four sons died in a chain of electrocution on Friday when the front door to the family's corrugated-metal house cut into a power line, police said.

The deadly incident happened in Phnom Penh's Russey Keo commune when Mok En, 65, opened the door and it hit a power line connected to his home, triggering his electrocution, local police chief Sun Kanareth told AFP.

"When he opened up the door, it pinched the electric wire and he was immediately electrocuted and fell down with his left hand holding the door," he said.

"But the sons thought he had been hit by a fainting spell and they rushed to help him. So they were all electrocuted as soon as they touched the father," he added.

Four-fifths of Cambodians do not have proper access to electricity, and many use unsafe methods to tap into power grids.

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