A Change of Guard

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Thursday, 25 June 2009

Brunei imports 1,500 tons of Cambodian rice per annum

Source: everyday.com
Reported inn English by Khmerization

Brunei ambassador to Cambodia has told Prime Minister Hun Sen that Brunei currently imports 1,500 tons of rice from Cambodia, reports everyday.com.

In a meeting with Mr. Hun Sen on 23rd June, the Brunei ambassador informed the Cambodian PM that Brunei will increase its rice imports in the coming years. The ambassador praised Cambodian rice for its delicious tastes. Te ambassador also said that Cambodian fruits such as Cambodian durians tastes deliciously.

In response, Prime Minister Hun Sen said that Cambodia will offer Cambodian rice seeds to Brunei. The PM also request Brunei to help in the training of human resources in the oil and gas explorations.

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