A Change of Guard

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Friday 13 March 2009

Vietnamese investment in Cambodia down by 85 pct in 2008

PHNOM PENH, Mar. 13, 2009 (Xinhua News Agency) -- The Vietnamese investment in Cambodia fell sharply by some 85 percent in 2008 over 2007, the Chinese-language daily newspaper the Commercial News reported on Friday.

The Vietnamese investment approved by Cambodia stood at 21 million U.S. dollars in 2008, over 139 million U.S. dollars in 2007, according to the annual report issued by the Cambodian Investment Board (CIB).

2007 was a big year for Vietnamese investors because they opened a giant telecommunication project in the kingdom, the Viettel, the paper quoted CIB officials as saying.

The Vietnamese investment focused on the agricultural and telecommunication sectors, said the officials, adding that they have opened over 100 companies in Cambodia.

China, South Korea and the United States are listed as the top three investing countries in Cambodia, which have poured 6.3 billion U.S. dollars into the kingdom, according to CIB.

(Source: iStockAnalyst )

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