A Change of Guard

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Monday 16 March 2009

Vietnam – Cambodia visa exempted for tourists

16th March, 2009

Vietnamese tourists in Cambodia.

VietNamNet Bridge – The Cambodian Minister of Tourism, Thong Khon, said that the Vietnamese and Cambodian governments agreed on the exemption of visas for Vietnamese citizens to Cambodia and vice versa.

The Cambodian Minister of Tourism revealed the above information after a meeting on tourism development between Vietnam’s southern province of Kien Giang with provinces along the Vietnam-Cambodia land border and along the Thailand Gulf on March 15.

Vietnamese tourists who come to Cambodia by road can travel everywhere in Cambodia after buying vehicle and health insurance.

The Cambodian tourism sector will slash 30% of hotel fees for Vietnamese tourists.

According to Thong Khon, around 12,000 Vietnamese came to Cambodia by road, via the Ha Tien border-gate in Kien Giang and Moc Bai border-gate in Tay Ninh province.


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