A Change of Guard

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Monday 16 March 2009

Financial crisis hits Cambodian rubber exports

PHNOM PENH, March 16 (Xinhua) -- The global financial crisis has cooled down car sales, thus decreasing the demand for tyres and rubber and eventually hitting Cambodia's rubber exports, Chinese-language newspaper the Jian Hua Daily reported on Monday.

The rubber price has gone down to 1,300 U.S. dollars per ton in the international market and 1,200 U.S. dollars per ton in the Cambodian market, the newspaper quoted officials at the Ministry of Agriculture, Forests and Fisheries as saying.

The bottom line for Cambodian rubber planters was 700 U.S. dollars per ton, they said.

Although the planters were not in deficit at the current times, they made much less profits than before, they added.

Cambodia boasts an easy environment for rubber plantation and now has 110,000 hectares of land to grow rubber. The number is expected to rise to 150,000 hectares in 2015, according to official figures.

Editor: Xiong Tong

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