A Change of Guard

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Friday 13 March 2009

SRP requests Mr. Hun Sen to explain to parliament about the bloated national budget

The Sam Rainsy Party (SRP) MPs have sent a letter to Prime Minister Hun Sen requesting him to explain to the National Assembly about the government's bloated $1.75 billion national budget, which is an increase of 28% from the 2008 national budget of $1.37 billion.

In the letter, the SRP MPs questioned wisdom of proposing a $1.75 billion national budget considering that the government revenue collections for the last two months have dropped significantly.

The letter states that, in the first two months of this years the Customs Department can only collect $64 million in revenues compared to last year's $86 million. As a result, they questioned whether the government is capable of implementing the $1.75 billion package without downsizing the proposed budget.

The MPs also asked whether the government is capable of tackling the economic crisis because of the drops in revenue collections.

Please read the whole letter in Khmer at: http://tinyurl.com/c2uxbr

SRP Cabinet

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