A Change of Guard

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Saturday 14 March 2009

Khmer authority detains a Thai Buddhist monk near Preah Vihear temple

Deum Ampil newspaper
13th March, 2009
Reported in English by Khmerization

A lone Thai Buddhist monk was arrested and detained by Cambodian authority for illegally entering Cambodia in an attempt to visit Preah Vihear temple and Wat Keo Sekha Kirisvarak pagoda on Friday.

According to sources, the lone Thai monk had travelled by a vehicle from Siem Reap and arrived at Dambon Kor Mouy near Wat Keo Sekha Kirisvarak pagoda at 10 o'clock at night time on Thursday 12th March.

The monk, who cannot speak or understand a word in Khmer, refused to answer any questions.

A Khmer official said that, this monk had entered Cambodia illegally on 3rd March through Boeng Trakuon border pass, travelled to Siem Reap and stayed there for a few days before arriving in Preah Vihear on Thursday night, the 12th of March.

The Cambodian authority detained him temporarily while reporting the case to the government.

At the same time, a Unesco official from Paris, Mr. Olabiyi Babalola Joseph Yai, president of executive council of UNESCO, has visited the Preah Vihear temple, which is the first visit by a senior official from Unesco.

On 13th July, 2008, three Thai Buddhist monks jumped over the border fence and crossed into Cambodia illegally and were detained by Cambodian border police. And on 15th July, Thai troops were sent to retrieve the arrested monks and hundreds more Thai troops were sent in afterward to occupy the temple areas which sparked border disputes until today.

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