A Change of Guard

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Friday 6 March 2009

Cheam Yeap's reaction to the IPU's request for the re-instatement of Sam Rainsy's parliamentary immunity

Radio Free Asia
By San Suwit
5th March, 2009
Reported in English by Khmerization

Mr. Cheam Yeap (pictured), MP from the ruling Cambodian People's Party (CPP), dismissed a letter from Mr. Ander Johnson, secretary-general of the Inter-Parliamentary Union (IPU), which request the re-instatement of Mr. Sam Rainsy's parliamentary immunity, as not a serious matter.

However, he said that Mr. Sam Rainsy's case should be resolved in accordance with the correct procedures.

He said: "If Mr. Sam Rainsy paid the fines before the lifting of his parliamentary immunity, there won't be any problem. But he was recalcitrant with the intention of causing complications in the matter so he can go around the world talking bad about the government. I just tell you in the name of a Khmer. Mr. Sam Rainsy had done like this many times before. When his parliamentary immunity has been stripped, he go to complain to the IPU and complain to the king. This is what will happen: what way it (the case) comes in, it has to get out from that way. It means that the Permanent Committee of the Parliament lifted his parliamentary immunity to allow the court to investigate the case. So when he paid the fines, he has to write a letter to the Samdech (President of the National Assembly Heng Samrin) to ask him to re-instate his parliamentary immunity. If he had done this, then everything is finished."

Mr. Sam Rainsy, who is currently staying in France, said that on 26th February, the same day that his parliamentary immunity has been lifted, he paid the fines and he also wrote a letter to Mr. Heng Samrin asking him to re-instate his aprliamentary immunity, but so far he has not received any reply yet.

Mr. Sam Rainsy said: "He cannot say like that. I haven't exhausted all avenues of appeals yet. According to judicial procedures and legal principles, my case is a criminal case. So, only the court can decide, and the last court is the High Court. I don't understand at all that I have not exhausted all judicial avenues yet and the parliament lifted my parliamentary immunity in a hurry. This is a judicial matter. When I paid the fines, the National Election Committee withdrew their law suit against me. So, it means that the judicial process has been completed. The parliament then should re-instate my immunity immediately, but it didn't. They want to drag the matter for days, weeks and months. I think that their actions are very inappropriate."

Up to Monday, the Ministry of Justice, as the plaintiff for the lifting of Mr. Sam Rainsy, said that it has not received a request from the court to re-instate Mr. Sam Rainsy's immunity yet.

The Cambodian parliament and the IPU with 200 parliaments as members, in a wish to build a good relationship with each other, will convene a big conference in Phnom Penh next week.


Anonymous said...

Ah Cheam Yeap is Chhkai Hun Xen(Hun Xen's dog).
I hate this guy!!!he is so foolish and very crazy!!!
This guy will be the same Ah Hok Longdy!!!

Anonymous said...

Cheam Yeap is a CPP spin doctor. He will say anything to protect his CPP boss and CPP's illegal actions. Sam Rainsy paid the fines, he had written to Heng Samrin, so his immunity should be re-instated.