A Change of Guard

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Thursday, 4 December 2008

Dharmayietra to UN: All of Us should get to the UN HQ in NYC at 10am and leave at 4 pm on Dec. 10.

Dear All,

Please be notify that if you will attend the Dhamma Yatra, all of us should get to the UN HQ in NYC at 10am and leave at 4pm on Dec. 10. Thanks.

Respected Bhantes,
Compatriots, Press,
Community Members,
Ladies & Gentlemen,


The Most Ven. Dhammathero Sao Khon issues cordial invitations to the Buddhist monks, laypeople and Khmer compatriots to join with the Community of Khmer Buddhist Monks-United States to walk for peace, human rights, territorial integrity and inviolability of Cambodia, especially the continued disturbance and harassment of the livelihood of the Buddhist monks, devotees, people and temples along the borders, on Wednesday December 10, 2008, in front of the United Nations Headquarters, New York City, United States.

Click on link to watch: http://www.templenews.info/
Thank you kindly.
Templenews TV

Soun Sumedh
Secretary to the Most Venerable Roth(Ratana) Muni

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