A Change of Guard

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Wednesday, 12 March 2008

Women Should Brave Politics, Leaders Say

Thida Khus (left) and Nanda Pok (bottom). (photo: RFA).

By Sok Khemara,

VOA Khmer Washington

11 March 2008

Two women leaders urged more women in Cambodia to be brave in politics, pointing to US presidential candidate Sen. Hillary Clinton as an example.
Pok Nanda, director of the Organization for Women's Prosperity, and Thida Khus, head of the development group Silaka, both train women across Cambodia and promote leadership.
They joined "Hello VOA" Monday to discuss women in politics, including Clinton, who is in the Democratic primary race against Sen. Barrack Obama.
"She has the full ability to be a presidential candidate," Pok Nanda said.
"She will beat Obama," Thida Khus said.
Such political developments in Cambodia may still be far off.
Hundreds of thousands of women work jobs at garment factories, which is detrimental to their education, which was "the burden of the government" to rectify, Pok Nanda said.
More women need to be added to the National Assembly, Thida Kus added, in order to help decide national policy and other important decisions.

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