A Change of Guard

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Thursday, 13 March 2008

Seven landmarks erected on borderline with Cambodia

Hun Sen (left) and the Vietnamese Prime Minister at one of the border landmark plantings on 24th Feb. 2008.
==========================================The southwestern province of Binh Phuoc has completed the planting of seven landmarks at five positions on the Vietnam-Cambodia borderline.
The two sides have defined the location for 13 landmarks at nine positions along their borderline.
Most of major works around the 69th landmark at the Hoa Lu International Border Gate in Loc Ninh district have been finished while the construction work on the seven remaining landmarks is scheduled for completion in April this year.
Under an overall plan on Vietnam-Cambodia demarcation and landmark planting approved by the Prime Minister, Binh Phuoc province is entrusted to plant a total of 26 landmarks at 18 positions in three districts of Phuoc Long, Loc Ninh and Bu Dop. (VNA)

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