A Change of Guard

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Wednesday 19 December 2007

A Brief Biography the Supreme Buddhist Patriarch Samdech Chuon Nath

Samdech Chuon Nath (pictured) Joatanhnheannoa was born on Tuesday, lunar period – 11th day of Roaj, month of Phallakun, year of the Monkey Chhasak, Buddhist year 2427 or March 11, 1883, in Kamrieng village, Roka Koh commune, Koang Pisey district, Kampong Speu province, Cambodia (then the country is a French protectorate - - - 1863 – 1953).
His father’s name – “Chuon,” and mother’s name – “Yok.” Both parents were farmers. The revered Venerable has one young brother, “Chuon Nuth” holding public position as Oknha Soar. An Oknha is a noble or official title in Khmer civic system.
Samdech Chuon Nath had passed away on the 14th day of lunar month, Phaktrobot, year of the Rooster Ekasak, Buddhist year 2513 or September 25, 1969 at hour 20, minute 20 in his great residence within the compounds of the Wat Ounalom (capital city of Phnom Penh, Cambodia) due to old age and hard works in regard to Khmer language, Buddhism, etc.
Ahead of his passing, the doctor and numerous students bestow near his recline begging the Samdech to lessen his working hours to no avail.
Samdech Chuon Nath states, “ [Our] Self…unforeseen, but we have to work hard to be productive, be minded that, we get to live a thousand years.”
Source: Book title, “The Vision of the Supreme Buddhist Patriarch Chuon Nath.”
Note: Wat Ounalom is the most important Wat of Phnom Penh, and the center of Cambodian Buddhism. It is north from the National Museum of Arts (two streets from the Royal Palace). Wat Ounalom was built in 1442 to keep a hair of the Buddha. Before the Khmer Rouge emptied Phnom Penh in 1975, more than 500 monks used to live at the Wat. The Khmer Rouge killed the abbot and a large number of monks and vandalized the buildings and their treasures. After the Vietnamese invasion in 1979 the Wat was restored, and today again serves as the center of Cambodian Buddhism. It also functions as a point in the yearly Peace Rally.
Wat Ounalom is the official headquarters of the Mohanikay Buddhism of Cambodia, even today, the current Supreme Buddhist Patriarch has his official office there as well. The Vatican City is the official headquarters of the Roman Catholics religion.

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