Thu, 9 July 2015
A mass promotion announced by the Interior Ministry yesterday saw more than 80 senior police officials upgraded, including seven to three-star general status, as well as the appointment of seven new under-secretaries of state.
In a ceremony presided over by Interior Minister Sar Kheng, 41 new one-star generals were named, while 32 rose to the rank of two-star general.
Among the new under-secretaries of state were Huy Vannak, who in 2014 was accused of putting a gun to the head of a subordinate while serving as deputy director of government-aligned TV station Cambodian News Channel, and royalist politician Sao Rany.
Joining them in the rank are Ang Mongkul, Dy Sokphan, Yun Chhunny, Pich Chivoan and Som Chandyna.
Speaking yesterday, Yem Ponharith, a lawmaker and spokesman for the opposition Cambodia National Rescue Party, warned that such mass promotions were creating a top-heavy bureaucracy, while rampant crime remained.
“I estimate there are about 2,000 generals, which is not in balance with the size of the population if compared to other countries in the region or the world,” he said.
This nothing more than re-enforcing this government power to the extend of an absolute unbreakable mass,if something dire situation will happen. All these generals promoted to a new rank are nothing far away from selecting all fanatics diehard supporters, who swear to sacrifice their life to protect this youn control administration to achieved the plan of swallowing our land .Did among them will have any patriots mind, who dare to confront the regime and save Khmer from peril. I am and all Khmer have doubt about it .
Begin of Drgunzet's comment.
When I was in my late 20s, I played an online game and remembered the kids just love to have high ranks in the guild and showed off. I operated a few guilds as the President and had a very tough time dealing with kids. They became my officers, Generals, Commanders then they stopped working but wanted to keep the rank.
If I demoted, removed their ranks they will go nuts. So, I bet the Khmer race is very immature. Vietnam does not have this problem of inflated ranks. Only Thailand, Cambodia the dark-skinned countries have this problem with inflated ranks.
Khmer folks, you need to grow up and stop causing troubles in the world.
ឧត្ដមសេនីយឈយាម sentinel ខ្ញំុមិនដែលឃើញប្រទេសណាដូចប្រទេសកម្ពុជា ទ័ពមានប្រហែល៥មឺុន បុន្តែមានផ្កាយរហូតផ្កាយ៥ លើសមហាអំណាចទៀតផ្កាយខ្លះថែតែមេ ជ្រូក ប្រើការមិនកើត ។
I don't understand why the Vietnamese poster 'Drgunzet' always does cause lots of troubles to Khmer people and posters here?
This Vietnamese guy Drgunzet is so weird!
don't feed the troll : -Drgunzet-
ignore him and he will go away....just a child who needs attention ... he will do anything to get noticed....
[Internet Trolls Are Narcissists, Psychopaths, and Sadists
Trolls will lie, exaggerate, and offend to get a response.
Post published by Jennifer Golbeck Ph.D. on Sep 18, 2014 in Your Online Secret ]
What are these generals good for?
The more they are the more land Khmer lose the Vietnam.
These dumb generals are good at harassing their people and beating women and children.
Racist -Drgunzet- the self-proclaimed Viet-German:
A real horny German Shepherd on the loose looking for Drgunzet for a serious Doggy-Style's penetration. Stick your ass up real high now DrgunZet!!!
Begin of Drgunzet's comment.
Khmer race is a joke.
To cure your big mouth problem your face needs to be eff !
Begin of Drgunzet's comment.
Each Khmer general will try to sell more land to the light-skinned Asians to recuperate the money they spent to buy the ranks. So, more poor Khmer will be kicked out of their lands. Their homes will be bulldozed out of the land.
Well, the light-skinned Asians built better houses though. Dark-skinned Khmer can come back and work as the house helper, maids. But you are not allowed to stay ok?
P.S. When I was in my late teen, the Whites loved to bring me home to help them out with their gardens. One time, it rained so the lady of the house asked me to stop working (and still pay me). She also offered me to join her and her husband for lunch.
I was standing in her living room at a corner. She asked me why I did not sit down. I replied to her, "I am dirty. I am afraid to dirty your chair." She offered me a tower to clean me up.
Her tower was nice and fancy, high quality. When I told her, "I am afraid to dirty your tower too", she broke into laughter, "Oh don't worry too much, it will come off in the washing machine."
So, I had an incredible intellectual power in my brain and was very proper. Thus the Whites just loved to bring me home to feed and to entertain. They were fascinated with the boy from the East. By late teen, I already read several hundred books. So my knowledge was very impressive already.
Clearly, if they encountered the Khmer...It would be a disaster. You will go to the dog house.
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