A Change of Guard

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Saturday, 18 April 2015

Fugitive General Thong Sarath Arrested in Vietnam

Khmerization: While Thong Sarath, who is Sar Kheng's advisor and who was accused of murder without concrete evidence, can be tracked down and arrested in just a few months, while Chhouk Bandith who shot three garment workers in broad daylight, has been on the run fore more than 3 years.. This is because Chhouk Bandith is a close confidant of Deputy PM Men Sam An, who in turn is a Hun Sen loyalist. So, justice in Cambodia has been factionalized.

Thong Sarath, a senior Defense Ministry official wanted for the November murder of tycoon Ung Meng Chue, was arrested by Vietnamese police Thursday after months on the run, the head of Cambodia’s Interpol office said on Friday.
“The Vietnamese police arrested him yesterday and he has been sent to Cambodian police,” said Lim Sokha Raksmey, acting head of Cambodia’s Interpol office, declining to comment further.
Major General Sarath, 37, was placed on the international police agency’s list of most wanted criminals in December after being charged by the Phnom Penh Municipal Court for orchestrating the murder of Ung Meng Chue, chairman of the Shimmex Group.
Four of Maj. Gen. Sarath’s bodyguards have been imprisoned for carrying out the assassination, and the general’s parents have been jailed on charges of illegal weapons possession following raids on the family’s Phnom Penh villas.
Ung Meng Chue was shot numerous times as he stepped out of his SUV outside a fruit store in Phnom Penh’s Chamkar Mon district on the evening of November 22.
During his months on the run, Maj. Gen. Sarath—a wealthy businessman himself—has posted online a number of audio and video clips pleading his innocence and calling on Prime Minister Hun Sen to intervene and ensure he receives a fair trial.


Anonymous said...

This Thong Sarath is an element of the Vietnamization of Cambodia.

Put this kind of animal away (in jail) is more important than he belongs to Sar Kheng or whoever...

Of course, Ah Chouk Bandit must go to jail too.

93 Years Old Woman

Anonymous said...

nice photoshop

Anonymous said...

the hair looks so fake. Is that really him? Or just a cover up by the authorities.

Anonymous said...

ចាប់យួនមួយ តែមើលចុះតាមទល់ដែន តាមទូក រាប់មើននាក់ចូលមក ស្រុកខ្មែរ ព្រមទាំងកាន់កាតស្របច្បាប់រួចអស់ហើយ​ គឺអាចបោះឆ្នោតបាន គិតទៅគួរឲ្យព្រឺក្បាលណាស់ ព្រោះយួនវាលេងល្បែងធ្ពិនភ្នែកបានល្អឥតខ្ចោះ ហើយនៅពេលនេះ យួនគេថាខ្មែរប្រកាន់ពូជសាសន៍ទៀត មើលចុះខ្មែរទៅនៅស្រុកយួនឬ? ម្តងនេះខ្មែរ គិតតែច្រៀងរាំទៅ មិនចាំទេ គេថា សប្បាយវាគូនឺងទុក្ខ អាឡប់នេះវាព្រឺក្បាលណា តើបងប្អុនដឺងទេ ហើយគិតយ៉ាងណាដែរ?????