Please listen to the golden voice of Miss Meas Leakhena, She sings better than the legendary Ros Serey Sothea សូមស្តាប់សម្លេងមាសរបស់អ្នកនាង មាស លក្ខិណា គឺពិរោះជាងអ្នកស្រីរស់ សេរីសុទ្ធា ច្រៀងទៅទៀត!
Dear Listeners, I have a very good feeling when I hear this song with the voice of another khmer singer. According to my opinion, the new singer also has a very good voice and she sang with 21st century technology. Whereas, Ros Sreysothea, she had very good voice and talented, but she sang since before 1975 with almost 40 years old technology. So, I will not compare or evaluate that Meas Leakhena has better voice than Ros Sereysothea. Anyways, I am really glad to hear the new generation's voice. Please God bless Meas Leakhena and get success in her life. from a previous Cambodian generation. SHT
She is not nearly as good as Ros Serey sothea.
Dear Listeners,
I have a very good feeling when I hear this song with the voice of another khmer singer. According to my opinion, the new singer also has a very good voice and she sang with 21st century technology. Whereas, Ros Sreysothea, she had very good voice and talented, but she sang since before 1975 with almost 40 years old technology. So, I will not compare or evaluate that Meas Leakhena has better voice than Ros Sereysothea. Anyways, I am really glad to hear the new generation's voice.
Please God bless Meas Leakhena and get success in her life.
from a previous Cambodian generation.
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