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Saturday, 20 December 2014

HIV Infections Surge in Cambodian Village

At Least 90 People Tested Positive for HIV in Village in Northwestern Cambodia

People flock to have their blood tested for HIV in Roka village in Cambodia's Battambang province.ENLARGE
People flock to have their blood tested for HIV in Roka village in Cambodia's Battambang province. ZUMA PRESS
PHNOM PENH, Cambodia — Concern is building over the number of people who appear to have been infected with HIV in a village in northwestern Cambodia, with health officials saying that at least 90 people have tested positive for the virus.
Medical teams from the World Health Organization and the Joint United Nations Program on HIV and AIDS, or UNAIDS, have traveled to Roka village, near Battambang, to examine the high number of cases.
An unlicensed doctor is being held in protective custody in the area for allegedly spreading HIV through the use of contaminated needles. The man, Yam Chin, couldn’t immediately be reached for comment. Local officials said they are also investigating other possible causes for the mass infections.
The Pasteur Institute in the capital, Phnom Penh, on Friday said the confirmed number of infections had reached 90, while regional health officials say the number of infections has already surpassed 100. Prime Minister Hun Sen on Thursday appeared in a special television broadcast to announce what he described as a thorough investigation into the matter. Health officials urged people not to panic.

The health crisis in Roka has transfixed the nation in recent days, partly because Cambodian authorities, with the help of foreign health organizations, had been successful in halting the rapid spread of the virus in the 1990s.
By using television and radio talk shows, as well as traveling roadshows stressing condom use, health authorities HIV prevalence in the country fell to 0.5% of the population in 2009 from 2% in 1998, according to Cambodia’s National Center for HIV/AIDS.
If left untreated, HIV can lead to AIDS.
Write to James Hookway at james.hookway@wsj.com


Anonymous said...

Begin of Drgunzet's comment.

Princess Diana had shown to the world that AIDS was not an disease which can easily transmit. She had shown to carry baby and touch children with AIDS.

For the Khmer people to be massively infected with AIDS virus, it's someone who tries to attack Mr. Hun Sen through these poor victims.

Even with a stupid and fake Khmer doctor, you cannot infect that many people unless you carefully preserve the AIDS virus outside of the human environment. It's a biological attack.

Once the investigation is complete, Mr. Hun Sen will realize he is the real target. I bet he will punish those responsible.

Cambodia is a sad country. The politicians keep using the poor people as the canon fodders for their gain.


Anonymous said...

Begin of Drgunzet's comment.

Oh my God, what a sad race Khmer is. What a terrible country Cambodia is. Let's replace the Khmer race with some better race to make Cambodia better.

Don't you feel sorry for that little girl in the picture. She born dumb, inherit inferior genes from her Khmer parents. She has dark-skin, a big turn off. (I was born with a beautiful light-skin. When I was a kid, other Asian parents were giving my mother compliments, "Ooooh, your son has such a beautiful light skin, just like yours.")

And now she also has AIDS. How much more suffering will she get? I bet when she grows up, she is likely to be raped by other Khmer men. And when the men found out they got AIDS from her, despite her waring "Don't rape me, I have AIDS.", the men will get mad and beat her up.

Stupid Khmer rapists, you are so troublesome. I really want to replace the Khmer race with better races. Let say, how about Swedes, or Germans? Cambodia will be a better country with Germans and Swedes living there instead of the Khmer.


Anonymous said...