A Change of Guard

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Saturday, 20 December 2014

Great songs - sung and performed by Cambodian workers in South Korea


Anonymous said...

Begin of Drgunzet's comment.

Oh my God, Samsung could raise the total investment in Vietnam to 20 billion US dollars in a couple years! Read here:

And read here about a poor Vietnam girl living a dream working at Samsung. Her income went from $90 picking vegetables to $500 working for Samsung!


Stupid and angry Khmer will never get Samsung to build any high-tech factories in Cambodia. Just look at this year National exam in Cambodia. lol... Most Cambodian students failed....twice, yes, failed twice.


Kmenhwatt said...

Well, Khmer's women didn't sells their vagina for dollars as dog-eaters yuon's women,thatwise Samsung didn't makes factory in Cambodia.Yuon's women and DrunkenZ woman always selling themselves to get advantage of old Farang and old gook like Drugenzet who is using his dick-head to think before his inferior mindset can write in his lunatic/insanity comments every damn times!

His own mother hated him and gave him up after he slided out of her Vagina in the 70's in the jungle of Southeast Asia during gook-American's war.You are the low of the low Drugenzet,old lonely gook as you should prepare your own funeral because all your sibling hated you very much,they told the world that they hated you.

Anonymous said...

Begin of Drgunzet's comment.

See? Read Kmenhwatt's comment. I show how the Vietnamese race is advancing in the world by getting the high-tech industry coming to Vietnam. Khmer race should do the same. But he got mad and wrote insulting comments about my mother.

That's why Khmer race will never get any high-tech industry. Khmer race has reached its end. Just google for "Kmenhwatt's comment" and see how bad Khmer race is now a day.

At this moment, Cambodia is stuck at two industries, tourism and garment. And both of these industries are low pays. Cambodia could not develop any high-end tourism. Khmer workers are just too rude, dumb and lazy. They lack soft-people skill.

Just imagine Kmenhwatt working in the tourism industry. Woahahaha, at the slightest frustration, he will insult the tourist's mother and threaten to "kap" the person (kap [Khmer] = chopping with ax, knife, cleaver!)

Khmer race is clearly at its end.
