A Change of Guard

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Friday 20 June 2014

Authority prevents deputy opposition leader Kem Sokha from visiting deported migrant workers in Poipet អាជ្ញាធរនៅក្រុងប៉ោយប៉ែត រារាំងប្រតិភូ លោក កឹម សុខា ដែលបានចុះសួរសុខទុក្ខពលករនៅក្រុងប៉ោយប៉ែត

Kem Sokha's car was blocked in all directions from visiting deported migrant workers in Poipet or even leaving Poipet to return home.

Post by Love Seven.


Anonymous said...

Kem skha very aggressive .aragon stubborn and un compromise. How you lead people by anger and street wild gangster attitude. Sokha you are an idiot. Aren't you.? Right

Anonymous said...

I was born very poor and suffered a lot. As a child, I was very frail and weak with a beautiful light skin. That's was very trouble in the land with a lot of dark-skinned people.

The dark-skin kids were bigger, stronger and beat me up frequently. When you are crowded on the bus, the stronger dark-skin people will push the light-skin folks out of the way and jockey for better spot such as the seat with more air.

That said, you see the migrant workers on the trucks getting the money envelops from CNRP? Those migrant workers are the strong ones who jockeyed their position to be at the rim for more air.

Cambodia is the land of the strong. Only the strong can survive.


P.S. I was born as the weak but extremely smart. Later on the Whites discovered my talent and lifted out of poverty. I was well fed and grew big later. My current strength can easily crush many evil dark-skin folks with a few hits. Dark-skin people live in the equators, don't have the mentality of saving for the winter, nor discipline for not eating all the food in the winter. They are so troublesome and always take what they one by forces.

I am not saying all dark-skinned people are bad. I merely say about the trend...