A Change of Guard

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Monday, 28 April 2014

UK, Cambodian Police Meet Over Cybercrime

BY  | the cambodia daily, APRIL 28, 2014
A weeklong National Police delegation to London to discuss cross-border protection with their U.K. counterparts has yielded an agreement on improving Cambodia’s ability to combat cybercrimes relating to children, National Police spokesman Kirth Chantharith said yesterday. 
“They discussed cybercrime and how to protect the rights of children on the Internet,” said Mr. Chantha­rith. The delegation, led by National Police Chief Neth Savoeun, met with members of the U.K.’s National Crime Agency, including the director of the border policing command, David Armond, and Johnny Gwynne, director of the child exploitation and online pro­tection command.
The Cambodian and U.K. police discussed an exchange of information, the training of Cambodian police officers, and a U.K. donation of equipment to improve Cambodia’s nas­cent cybercrimes division.

The meet­ing came following a memorandum of understanding signed in late February in which the two countries promised to improve how they fight cross-border crimes. At least three U.K. men have faced child sex charges in the past year.

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