A Change of Guard

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Sunday, 27 April 2014

The video of Sam Rainsy's speech today at the 59th Congress of Liberal International in Rotterdam


Kmenhwatt said...

Won't achieve what you just said,because Asian is stubbornness won't respects boundary nor territory of other country,for instance,Yuon and Siam were thieves, invaders and they like to prey on the wreaks and vulnerable Cambodia with less populations with more land to conquer.

European has more respects and compassion for their neighbor countries,they respects border integrity and they believe in real GOD of the bible not believe in a rock of the earth nor a wood in the forest.Further more, they protects and help the poor,Asian neighbor counties robbed and steals or kills their neighbor especially Cambodia who wreaks and poor,both thieves has not respect humanity because they didn't believe in the TRUE-GOD.

Anonymous said...

GOD of the bible is made up.... the book of genesis which the bible copy from was talking about aliens from another planet coming to earth [ kingdom of gods ] with their awesome weapons and spaceships ( phoenix or firebird whirlwind etc..).. and ruled over the humans while giving them knowledge and civilization ( sumer -- the first human civilization ) --- the human who ascended to power later on after the aliens left [ long story ]thus realized that they could use this worship of aliens to their benefits and religion came about....jesus or better known as yeshua in hebrew was artificially inseminated by other alien.... they are still watching us.... all the so-called technology that human has developed was actually given to us [ ever heard of the roswell , new mexico ] some ex- CIA are now publicly telling the story of cover-up by the US govt as they are getting closer to their death bed .