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Wednesday, 2 April 2014

Kuwaiti-Cambodian meeting promotes bilateral trade

By Muhammad Al-Moula

(with photos) KUALA LAMPUR, April 1 (KUNA) -- The Kuwaiti-Cambodian Committee discussed in its meeting on Tuesday in the Cambodian capital city Phnom Penh means of boosting bilateral trade including closer ties between the two nation''''s private sectors, said Kuwait''''s ambassador to Cambodia Dhirar Al-Twaijri.
Representing the Kuwaiti side of the meeting in Phnon Penh were Undersecretary of the Ministry of Commerce and Industry Abdul-Aziz Al-Khaldi and representatives from the Kuwaiti Ministry of Finance, the Public Authority for Investment, and the Kuwait Fund for Arab Economic Development (KFAED), said the ambassador in a telephone conversation with KUNA.
He said that KFAED representative gave a thorough report in the meeting on the fund''''s financing activities in Cambodia, adding that the Public Authority for Investment presented in the meeting a memorandum of understanding on bilateral cooperation on joint investments. The Kuwaiti side also discussed with the Cambodians a proposal calling for prevention of double taxation.
The ambassador further said that both sides agreed that a delegation from the Cambodian government presided by the minister of commerce along with a number of businesspeople would visit Kuwait in the last quarter of the year 2015. (end) mam.ajs

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