A Change of Guard

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Wednesday, 30 October 2013

CNRP and CPP to restart the negotiation

The Cambodian People's Party and Cambodia National Rescue Party will meet again early next month to find a way to end political crisis that has dragged on for three months, officials said.
CNRP said the negotiations will be focusing on setting up an independent investigation team to look into alleged election irregularities and reform election body. The meeting should be public and monitored by national and international organizations and media, they said.
Sar Kheng, CPP interior minister, on meeting CNRP next month: 
“In fact, CPP position is based on democratic and multi-party principle, and rule of law. Everything must be based on what we've already agreed on (September) 16.”
Yem Ponharith, CNRP spokesman, on meeting with CPP next month: 
“We have already agreed and this is the time to discuss about when we should attend parliament meeting and how to solve our problem. This means we will discuss to find a common understanding and to ensure that what agreed will be implemented.”


Anonymous said...

Cambodia is a cursed nation bcos of too many idiotic . Cpp build school ah chkout raincy stop them. Ah pler. ah rainsy stop foriegn donation stop investor and burn factory wasn it true? Ah raincy helping the siam thug to destroy khmer wasn't he? now who is the devil then. Raincy is wasn't he ? Khmer rough kill tree millions people. Right ?. And youn save khmere life . Rightlis isn't it ?.may I Ask you why ah lerker raincy recure tov vinh.? .

Anonymous said...

The CPP will use tricks to stifle the negotiation again. They are not sincere, but just want the CNRP to recognise the election result that's all.