News for us to watch out for, the latest news that
Bandith, I wanted to say Tundith, Chhum Kosal, the CPP's Mouthpiece is getting ready to tour USA to gain support for the CPP-robbed 2013's election victory.
The questions are: Will we Khmers and Khmer-Americans ready to debate with him and give him a good welcome. I'm sure I am after the Mekong view incident we agreed to debate, please listening to part 2 of the tape [Part One here] coming up soon. Listen to Chum Kosal's gangster-like behaviour here.
USA is democracy country, u can't do whatever u want,
can't use violent against him, no harassment against him, u know L.B cop is tough ,,, watch out u can be in jailed.
usa 's law is too tough for whose harass peoples,
u have ur rights to express yourself in the right way
2:58 pm, are you from Cambodia? You talk like one. When was the last time you went out of your house? You know too little about what people can in America.
So many compatriots ot.....else may I ask you without youn in srok khmet will you stile support rainsy. ? Or not. ? Please give me feed back or respond.
Can anyone kick ttthat mtherfucker in the face if the law easy back in the early 80 or 90 I beat that motherfucker up......
Chum Kosal acts like he is the mafia boss when he is in Cambodia. It's interesting to see how he will behave when he faces angry audience in America. He might run away I think.
សូមបងប្អូនខ្មែរនៅតាមតំបន់ទាំងអស់ នាំគ្នាទិញ
ពងមាន់និងប៉េងប៉ោះ ទទូលលោកទណ្ឌិតជុំ កុសលឲ្យបានសមរម្យត្រឹមត្រូវផង ឲ្យសមមន្រ្តី
បដិសណ្ឋារកិច្ចទទួលគាត់ទេ គាត់ច្បាស់ជាអាក់
USA has tough law's to defense harrasements, .
they have their rights to express in proper way,
can't go across the red lines.,
be careful...
u can't hit peoples, when u want.
u can be in jail, unlike cambodia
be careful, when u do
Why are we ordinary people need to debate?, for what purpose?, what is it that we need to accomplish?, and Who is Chum Kosal?, is he an important person?, Is Chum Kosal a person that can rescue Khmer from the injustice, drive out the Viet from Khmer, reduce poverty in Khmer, provide freedom of speech, freedom of expression, freedom of the press, and justice for all Khmer, abolishing all land concession with the Yuon; prohibit Yuon from taking more lands, seas, and islands from Khmer. If he knows nothing, do nothing for Khmer. The question is "Why even waste time to consider debate with him?", for What? useless, even for the person that made suggestion of debate him. The real subject is to pick someone to debate Hun Sen about Yuon, what else that Hun Sen still owed Yuon, what else that really the secrecy about Yuon?, this subject should be expose to all Khmer publicly, that is what all leaders in the world do with their citizen. Even the Yuon, its government publicly exposed all information about the Chinese territories ambition to their people.
Hun Sen should not frighten of the Yuon anymore. Even sacrifice your life for your own people.
Khmer people grave to know the truth about Yuon and 1979 invasion.
I don't give him any respect. Therefore, I won't ask him anything.
Please don't give him credit by asking him questions.
He is worthless.
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