A Change of Guard

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Friday, 5 July 2013

Free at Last - CNRP-NA Welcomes its Colleagues from Bangkok Limbo

 For Immediate Release

July 3, 2013

Dear Friends and Colleagues,

We are pleased to share with you this wonderful news concerning the arrival of our CNRP members, Sam Rainsy activists who were forced to escape to Thailand to avoid political
persecution by the Hun Sen authorities. After several years in Bangkok limbo, they are right here safe and sound ready to begin a new life with all of us here in America.

Please join us in welcoming our colleagues and soon to be CNRP leaders and activists of their respective city and state:

Mr. Chhim Chhloungn is settled in Yuthica, NY
Mr. Nem Thoeun is also in Yuthica, NY
Mr. Tuot Saron is in Minneapolis, MN

Before their arrivals, there were also others whom we have helped administratively and financially to ensure their resettlement in America. We expect another family to join us in Massachusetts in the next few months.

We wish all colleagues who have just arrived all the very bests that life has to offer in this land of the frees.

Mr. Chea KimLy has and continue to play a key leadership role from beginning to the end in supporting our political victims in and out of Bangkok - some small task that most are remotely aware of from one election after another.


Pretty Ma, SG


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

5 July 2013 3:18 pm,

Because you are a Vietnamese/Yuon Dog Eater. That is all.

Anonymous said...

Because you can't read,thatwise you don't understand shit beside fooling around in your pants playing with your little congkack.Your limitation of english language won't allow you to read and understand this article 7th makara's kid like you is useless....
