A Change of Guard

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Friday, 17 May 2013

PM warns of ‘terrorists’ in opposition [Hun Sen creates fears knowing that he might lose the election]

Last Updated on 17 May 2013 
Phnom Penh Post 
By Vong Sokheng and Stuart White
Arrests are in the offing for groups of armed terrorists who are hiding among Cambodia’s opposition, intent on toppling both the Cambodian People’s Party and the Kingdom’s monarchy, Prime Minister Hun Sen warned yesterday.

Speaking at the inauguration of a Buddhist school in Prey Veng province, the premier launched into a lengthy exposé of the alleged militant insurrectionists supposedly honeycombing the country’s opposition, and made it clear that their guise as opposition members would not be enough to shelter them from the long arm of the law.

“Entire groups have been hiding in the opposition party, and I would like to send a message to the opposition, that when these people are arrested, don’t say they’re just members of the opposition – they are terrorists,” Hun Sen said, in an apparent reference to the Cambodia National Rescue Party. 

Hun Sen also accused the Khmer People Power Movement – a US-based, self-described “civil political movement” – of training armed forces in Thailand. He went on to ask the US Central Intelligence Agency to investigate the KPPM’s leadership, and said he would “co-operate with Thailand to destroy these armed forces”.

The KPPM filed a dossier to the International Criminal Court in June, accusing Hun Sen of crimes against humanity for his treatment of land disputes – coverage of which factored heavily into the arrest and conviction of independent radio station owner Mam Sonando.

Yesterday, in an email, KPPM President Sourn Serey Ratha dismissed Hun Sen’s claims, adding that his group simply sought to “provide political awareness to the people”.

“Currently, there is only Mr. Hun Sen of the CPP who led and controlled arms force in [the] country, and no…political group like[s] to create arms force any more,” he said, maintaining that, contrary to Hun Sen’s accusations, he often spoke out against armed movements. “Because I learned and understand very well that Mr. Hun Sen…is trying to paint any Khmer nationalist group as [a] terrorist [if] they can.”

CNRP spokesman Yim Sovann also strenuously denied the accusation that the opposition party harboured terrorists, adding that they had no need for weapons when they could beat the CPP handily with nothing more than National Election Committee reforms.

“This is intimidation and groundless accusations, because he is at a crossroads, because he sees the popularity of the CNRP skyrocket every day,” Sovann said.

In his remarks, Hun Sen went on to list more insurrectionist fronts: the Tiger Head Movement, the Maha Chak Khorm Movement, the Khmer Liberation Front and another movement among the remnants of a Vietnam-era paramilitary group.

All of the groups, Hun Sen said, were connected to one another, and had even gone so far as to design their own flags – clear proof, he added, that “they not only want to change Hun Sen and the CPP, but they [also] want to dissolve the monarchy”.


Anonymous said...

Communist tactics like they took over phenom penh in 1975 era again folks! Hun sen plays an old game in the new era of the information hi-ways run fast as the speed of light,who is going to believe what Hun sen say this time around? Hun sen is paranoia now due to his fears of losing his power to opposition party, because majority khmers were smarter now then in 1975.

Yobal Khmer

Anonymous said...

A CRIMINAL thinks and acts like a criminal.
Dictator and Traitor Hun Sen is no difference !!!

Khmer Girl

Anonymous said...


ចិន / យួន  មុននឹងថា ហ៊ុន សែន

ខ្លាច  ជាពិសេស ឆ្នាំ ១៩៩៣ វាសល់ទាហាន

តែ ៣៥០ នាក់ គាំទ្រវាផង។

Anonymous said...

The oppositions better get ready. Arrests are imminent!

Anonymous said...

ពួកបះបោរចង់រំលំមានពីរក្រុម មួយក្រុមនៅអាមេរិក​ (ក្រុមសួនសេរីរដ្ឋា) មួយក្រុមនៅបារាំង ។

ក្រុមនៅអាមេរិកចោទក្រុមនៅបារាំងថាលក់ពត៌មានចារកម្មអោយរដ្ឋាភិបាល ។ ច៊ឹងបានមានការតាមចាប់

មើលពត៌មានជុំវិញខ្លួនអោយជាក់ កុំអោយគេចេះតែបោកបាន៕

Anonymous said...

When Hun Phuc feels the heat, he suddenly becomes paranoid !!!

Anonymous said...

It's pitiful that Cambodians have had their ignorant leader who could no see that the
very " terrorists " are hiding in CPP : Hun sen's popularity is fading because he has been surrounded by the corrupt officials from top to bottom , in every ministry ; his family & cronies have enjoyed amassing wealth from land grabbing , impunity ,
stealing national treasure , while some of Khmer voters were evicted from their
properties , some government workers are underpaid for their hard work because national revenue were robbed . Those wealthy family & cronies are toppling Hun Sen
& hiding in CPP . Hun Sen shot himself on his foot , he should not blame the opposition
party for his failure .
PS - Kem Sokha & his brother had some fights ; it's the personal or individual matter
but it's a good opportunity for CPP to convert it into the National Problem ?

Youth Voters