Is this what an assassination looks like? If this assailant's gun had fired, yes. But Bulgarian politician Ahmed Dogan was unhurt after an as-yet-unnamed assailant rushed the stage and attempted to shoot him with a small handgun.
Dogan is the leader of Bulgaria's opposition movement for Rights and Freedoms. As he addressed that group's congress on Saturday, an attacker attempted to shoot him but the gun reportedly "misfired," according to the Sofia, Bulgaria news agency.
The agency said Bulgaria's Socialist party (one of several parties in opposition to the Movement for Rights and Freedoms in Bulgaria) issued a statement condemning the assassination attempt. "What happened cannot be downplayed. This is an assault on democracy in Bulgaria and against everyone in Bulgaria," said the Socialists. They added, "We are deeply alarmed at the processes going on in society and at the possible destabilization of the country."
Ahmed Dogan Assassination Attempt: Gunman Aims Gun At Bulgarian Politician's Head (PHOTO, VIDEO)
The Huffington Post
By Cavan Sieczkowski
Posted: 01/19/2013
The leader of Bulgaria’s Movement for Rights and Freedoms (MRF) party, Ahmed Dogan, was assaulted by a gunman while on stage at the National Palace of Culture (NDK) in Sofia, according to the Sofia Globe. The assailant, 25-year-old Oktai Enimehmedov, climbed onstage and held a gun to Dogan's head, but the gun reportedly got stuck and was unable to shoot.
The Times also reports that the gun appeared to misfire, giving Dogan enough time to bat away the gunman's arm before he was assisted by security guards.
Dogan and the gunman wrestled on stage before security raced to apprehend the assailant, amid loud boos from the crowd, according to The Sun.
Enimehmedov was also reportedly beaten by delegates and other officials in the crowd, according to Noinite, a Sofia news agency. "He was not in a good shape, there was blood on his face," said Prosecutor Nikolay Kokinov. "He told us his version about what motivated him, but I will not discuss it at this point."
Along with the gas pistol, Enimehmedov was also armed with two knives. The Bourgas native has two prior convictions, including causing bodily harm in 2006 and drug possession in 2010, the Sofia Globe reports.
As for the 58-year-old Turkish official, he is doing fine. "Ahmed Dogan is in good health. Everything is under control," MRF official Ceyhan Ibryamov told Reuters on Saturday.
The liberal MRF party represents ethnic Turks and Muslims, who make up roughly 12 percent of Bulgaria's population, according to Reuters. Dogan is seen as one of the most influential political figures. The conference was scheduled to elect a new leader to succeed Dogan, according to the Associated Press, who is stepped down after nearly 25 years.
Lyutvi Mestan, the man expected to replace Dogan, told the AP "the true reason for the assault was the language of hatred and confrontation."

Image grab from video shows a man identified as Oktai Enimehmedov, 25, as he points a weapon at Ahmed Dogan, left, leader of the Movement for Rights and Freedoms, during his speech at his party's congress in Sofia, on Saturday Jan. 19, 2013. (AP Photo/ BTVnews)
ថ្ងៃទី 20 មករា 2013, CEN
រូបនេះ តែសំណាងល្អ គ្រាប់កាំភ្លើងស្អុយ។

ឃាតកម្នាក់បានសំរុកចូល ទាញកាំភ្លើងភ្ជង់ក្បាលនិងកេះកៃបំណងយកជីវិតមេដឹកនាំបក្សប្រឆាំងរូបនេះ
អាមេត ដូហ្គឹន
ប្រធានគណបក្សចលនាសិទ្ធិនិងសេរីភាព បានប្រញាប់ប្រញាល់កៀសដៃ
ឃាតកចេញមុនពេលជនល្មើសកេះកៃជាលើកទី២។ឃាតកត្រូវបានពួក សន្តិសុខនិងប្រតិភូក្នុងសន្និសីទនៅទីក្រុងសូហ្វីយ៉ាទាត់អោយដួល និងត្រូវបានប៉ូលិសនាំខ្លួនចេញទៅទាំងច្រមុះចេញឈាម។

រូបភាពទូរទស្សន៍បានបង្ហាញបុរសលោតចេញពីហ្វូងទស្សនិកជននិងបង្អាក់ សុន្ទរកថារបស់លោកដូហ្គឹន ដែលបានដឹកនាំគណបក្សអស់ជិត១ភាគ៤នៃសតវត្សរ៍។រំពេចនោះជនល្មើស បានលើកកាំភ្លើងតម្រង់ក្បាលលោកដូហ្គឹននិងកេះកៃតែគ្រាប់ទំនងជា ស្អុយមិនផ្ទុះ។

ទាំងស្រឡាំងកាំង។ពួកអ្នកនយោបាយបន្ទាប់មកបានចេញពីកន្លែង អង្គុយនិងព្រលែងមួយជើងមួយដៃលើជនសង្ស័យដែលដេកដួលលើដីមុនពេល ប៉ូលិសនាំខ្លួនចេញទៅ។
គណបក្សចលនាសិទ្ធិនិងសេរីភាពនេះតំណាងអោយជនជាតិទឺកនិងអ៊ីស្លាមដែល ផ្សំបាន១២ភាគរយនៃប្រជាពលរដ្ឋ៧,៣លាននាក់របស់ប៊ុលហ្ការី៕