A Change of Guard
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Saturday, 19 January 2013
Anonymous said...
Post 2:48PM.
You know very well that Hun Sen created the 1997 coup, and butchered hundreds of Khmer oppositions, killing many Khmer national with the help of the Vietnamese support.
You know very well that Hun Sen murdered hundreds of Khmer when Hun Sen was installed by the Vietnamese to sign the K5 Genocide in the 1980s.
You know very well that Hun Sen is the one person toying with the lives of Khmer generation and Khmer future by gambling with the Vietnamese by allowing millions of Vietnamese freely living legally without prosecution protected by Hun Sen.
You know very well that without the Vietnamese supporting Hun Sen, he wouldnt be playing with the lives of many Khmer dying and being killed like animals by the Siam.
If you have an ounce of Khmer blood and calls yourself a Khmer. You know that Hun Sen will need to die, preferably be hanged live on national TV for our country to live in peace. -
19 January 2013 at 17:20
Anonymous said...
This is 2:48, I am not disagree with you at all but under this current situations we will not be able to topple CPP leaderships. Only deaths awaited our poor Khmer brothers & sisters if they do like you want to overthrow CPP. There are no way to remove PM Hun Sen other than out play his election cheating. I dont have a clue on how to win a general election but winning election is the ONLY way.
My heart is with Cambodian nationalist but at under this circumstance we CAN'T use violence to remove CPP leaderships. I still remember what Viet interfered into our politics, the results millions of my Khmer brothers & sisters dead. I still remembered Hun Sen and Viet Congs troops in RCAF uniforms slaughtered our FUNCINPEC hero troops around Phnom Penh July 1997 coup. I still remembered seeing in video of Hun Sen loyalists killed Khmer after 1998 general election protesters. I still remembered Hun Sen's body guards thrown 3 hand grandees into unarmed protesters with Sam Rainsy. You see I am not forget what Hun Sen & Youn did to our peoples. We just have to wait until a different government take power in order brought those responsible to legal justices. WE CAN'T USE VIOLENCES. I don't want to see anymore Khmer salvagetry murders. -
19 January 2013 at 18:14
Anonymous said...
Why do many Cambodians love politics so much although they have neither knowledge nor skills? Please get some good international degrees instead of bought ones from an asian country. Stop playing god!
19 January 2013 at 23:48
Anonymous said...
Most Khmer that do have national degrees are often killed or silenced when entering Hun Sen's country.
20 January 2013 at 00:41
Anonymous said...
I'm sure that you're talking about those uneducated & overaged Ministers
and CPP 's government officials . Opposition members don't need to buy
the fake phD to promote themselves within the party . -
20 January 2013 at 00:48
Anonymous said...
Post 2:48PM.
Considering that Hun Sen and his family are not Khmer but Vietminh.
His families and in-laws from Youn. Violence and death best suits this Khmer traitor for giving away the lives of many hundreds and thousands of Khmer national and Khmer sovereignty. -
20 January 2013 at 00:49
Anonymous said...
This 2:48 I agree with you that Hun Sen & his CPP leaderships are Khmer Viet Minh but we still CAN'T use violences to overthrow them. Death only await Khmers if we try using violences. Most Khmers in Cambodia DO NOT SEE Hun Sen & CPP as traitors. I just got back from Cambodia two months ago. Peoples love Hun Sen especially rural areas. Our peoples MUST wake up and not elected CPP. If majority of Khmer still elect Hun Sen, there is NOTHING we can do. Hun Sen controlled RCAF, police, local militia, court, most commune chiefs, interior ministry, Youn forces with RCAF uniformed at Viet border just waiting
to com. If you try to use violences. it's just like using eggs to smash a rock ! I appeal to all Khmers PLEASE DON' T USE VIOLENCES TO REPLACE HUN SEN. I don't have any more stomach to see Khmer get slaughter again. You just give Youn an excuse to take more our people's lives. -
20 January 2013 at 06:29
Anonymous said...
Quick Reaction mentioned about soft loan from China but failed to reveal how much
China is getting from Khmer natural resource through Economic Concession Land
signed by Hun Sen , sometime at the expense of poor Khmers ? Also how much
China is getting back from slave labour in garment industries ,through Favored Nations
policy of USA ? From records - in 2009 Cambodia government had to do China favor, sending desparated 20 Uyghur families back to China , even violating violating the
treaty which Cambodia signed - for 1 billion dollars loan then some military trucks .
Recently, for the first time in forty five years , the ASEAN chaired by Cambodia failed
to issue communique thank to China loan ... Long Live China & Go to hell Cambodia ?
20 January 2013 at 13:30
Anonymous said...
First screw ASEAN on their record agreements. If Cambodia allows the Viets and Pina will benefits at our expense. Who do you think helps build up major Cambodia infrastructures right now, NOT ASEAN. Where are ASEAN nations when Siam attacked our lesser equipped army. It's China and Communist nations who secretly shipped ammunitions to our army to waste Siam's lives and turn them into fertilizer for mother Earth.
China invested nearly 9 billions into our economy and infrastures and that more than all country in the world who invested in Cambodia. You need to have a good infrastures to build up your economy and lured in investors. These are necessary to help improve Cambodian lives. China is Cambodia friend that Youn & Siam feared. They not feared our population, economy, or arms forces.
As for the assylum seekers that Cambodia sent back it was necessary but SAD. China put Cambodia at a tough spot. I do felt sympathy for those peoples. It's for Cambodia best interests. -
20 January 2013 at 13:50
Anonymous said...
Unlike Hun Sen and his power to survive in power till hes 90 years old, ASEAN thrives to work in a long term goal and their record agreement to ensure that the entire nation in Asia can come to an agreement.
Cambodia isnt an obsticle to the Agreement. Its Hun Sen. On one hand Hun Sen ask China for softloan, on another hand, Hun Sen secretly gives the money as an investment scheme to the Viet, even giving the Viet more Khmer Land in the 2012 land treaty to ensure the Viet that China money means money for the Viet.
20 January 2013 at 15:50
Anonymous said...
If Vietnam sent Hun Sen back to Cambodia along with 49 other Khmer Rouge carders , in 1977 , he would be fertilizer . Investment of China is much bigger in Thailand than
in Cambodia ; For the love of Cambodia? China secretly sent weapons to fight
Thailand . Long live great great friend , China .
20 January 2013 at 20:15
Anonymous said...
over 15$ million dollar for a fucking chineses helicoper???you gotta be fucking kidding me.
20 January 2013 at 20:22
Anonymous said...
Hun Sen $15 million helicopter means he can hold onto his power longer. Even if the helicopter is $1 billion, Hun Sen wouldn't hesitate to add it to his compound.
21 January 2013 at 02:59
Anonymous said...
May you still lived in the 20th century. China military had advance a long way. These are very advance helicopters.
21 January 2013 at 07:00
Anonymous said...
Where does the idiot trying his best to define soft loan as something that is given away?? A loan is a loan, it shall be paid in kind - the chinese never gave things away - look at all the priveleges that the chinese gooks and its govt have in Cambodia - those resources rich areas dug up for 99 years - your offsprings shall live in the untreated polluted land like they did in china. At this rate, yuon and siam do not need to work too hard to get more of cambodian land.
21 January 2013 at 09:30
Anonymous said...
Hey idiot get the facts straight. China forgave hundred of millions that Khmer Rough owed. You are goolible to believe that only China want something in return. America still not forgive Lon Nol govt debts. Do you think we have the technical know how to build hydro dam ? Do you think we have millions to build these large infrastructure projects ? No one in the world would help you for free ! Do you think western countries would help us over Siam ? I think not. At least China let you borrow ! Even the richest country on Earth
U. S still borrow money from China. Every nation on Earth borrow money to help build economy. Look at EU countries like Spain, Greece they borrowed from Germany & France. -
21 January 2013 at 11:14
Anonymous said...
21 January 2013 11:14 am
Do you know why China let Cambodia borrow?
Idiot, get your facts straight. Look at the World Bank, they have blocked all loans to Cambodia to ensure that transparency exist and the evicted victims of force eviction are rightfully protected by the human rights or untill the Hun Sen and CPP change.
The world isnt stopping Cambodia from taking out loans, even the Europeans country have stopped loaning out money to the Hun Sen government. They are aware that the loans will never be repaid and those repaying will be the evicted families living in the street. Short term benifit and long term repercussion.
The question should be why is China allowing loans to Cambodia? Because China knows that noone else will, not even the Youn. Because while the Chinese gives money to Hun Sen. Hun Sen hands over the money to the Youn.
21 January 2013 at 12:49
khmer still weak/poor - compares to VIET / THAI
These helicopters are very useful:
1. flood disasters, land slide, etc etc
2. Defend our Siam-Khmer remote border areas, able to take our commandos, special forces to inaccessible areas, hills, flood areas, etc,etc. In the past our troops had to walk for days to get to remote mountain areas. These choppers will get them there in a matter of minutes.
This can have tactical advantages.
3. This helicopters can bring in important supply to our troops quickly, such as rocket warheads, MANPAD, ammunitions, etc etc etc
Hun Sen doesn't need any aircrafts, tanks, APCs to crush any uprising against our peoples. What he currently had is more than sufficient. These new acquired aircrafts, ranks, APCs are for strengthening our ill equipped military. Please get the facts right before you gentlemen start using angers and accusations.
Of course these are for Hun Sen and ONLY Hun Sen. Hun Sen fear for his life, what Hun Sen have now is borrowed time. Hun Sen knows everyone wants him dead. He knows the Vietnamese will have him dead if and when he loses the election.
Hun Sen knows he can't go to another country as he's not welcome there. You need to factor your facts straight if you think these helicopters will be used to protect the country and not Hun Sen and his bodyguards.
Nowadays, we see Hun Sen is trying to transfer all military powers to his sons because all his sons are in charge of powerful and important military posts. Hun Manet is in charge of many posts, including deputy commander of his bodyguard unit and anti-terrorism unit. Hun Manit is also in charge of powerful military posts. Like I said he is now paranoid of people around him, even the most trusted lieutenants like Sok An, Kun Kim and Hing Bunheang, he doesn't trust now.
Anonymous said...
Post 2:48PM.
You know very well that Hun Sen created the 1997 coup, and butchered hundreds of Khmer oppositions, killing many Khmer nationalists with the help of the Vietnamese support.
You know very well that Hun Sen murdered hundreds of Khmer when Hun Sen was installed by the Vietnamese to sign the K5 Genocide in the 1980s.
You know very well that Hun Sen is the one person toying with the lives of Khmer generation and Khmer future by gambling with the Vietnamese by allowing millions of Vietnamese freely living legally without prosecution protected by Hun Sen.
You know very well that without the Vietnamese supporting Hun Sen, he wouldn't be playing with the lives of many Khmer dying and being killed like animals by the Siamese (Thais).
If you have an ounce of Khmer blood and calls yourself a Khmer. You know that Hun Sen will need to die, preferably be hanged live on national TV for our country to live in peace.