សូមមេត្តាទទួលនូវរូបថតមួយចំនួ ននៃសកម្មភាពបាតុកម្មទាមទារមានកា រគោរពនិងអនុវត្តសន្ធិសញ្ញាសន្តិ ភាពទីក្រុងប៉ារីស
ជាពិសេសអនុវត្តជាបន្ទាន់នូវអនុ សាសន៍របស់លោកសាស្ត្រាចារ្យ សុរិយា ប្រាសាទ សុបឺឌី ។
បាតុកម្មនេះបានធ្វើឡើងនៅមុខទីស្ នាក់ការអង្គការសហប្រជាជាតិ ក្នុងក្រុងសឺណែវ ប្រទេសស្វីស នាថ្ងៃនេះទី២៣ តុលា ២០១២ ។
កំលាំងសាមគ្គីពិតជាឈ្នះ ! កំលាំងសាមគ្គីពិតជាអាចផ្តួលរំលំ របបផ្តាច់ការ ! កំលាំងសាមគ្គីពិតជាអាចរំដោះស្រុ កយើងចេញពីក្រញ៉ាំបរទេសបាន !
ពួករដ្ឋាភិបាលក្បត់ជាតិកំពុងបន្ ទន់ឥរិយាបថហើយ ចូរយើងកុំលង់លក់ឲ្យសោះ ត្រូវក្រោកឡើងសំពងពួកវាឲ្យទាល់ តែស្រុកយើងបានសាន្តត្រាណយ៉ាងពិ តប្រាកដមួយ !
ការិយាល័យទំនាក់ទំនង គសរ-អឺរ៉ុប
Chers amis,
La manifestation aujourd'hui le 23 octobre 2012 a de succès remarquable,
les participants sont nombreux venus de l'Europe. Nous, les
manifestants, demandons aux pays signataires des Accords de Paix de
Paris de renforcer leurs engagements et de mettre en application le plus
urgent des recommandations de Professeur Surya Prasad Subedi rapportées
au Conseil des Droits de l'Homme le 25 septembre 2012 à Genève.
Union fait la force ! Union fera tomber le régime dictature ! Union libérera notre pays des griffes des voisins !
Les informations aujourd'hui a montré que les traîtres à la nation s'affaiblissent,
Ne dormons pas, luttons jusqu'à notre pays soit en vraie démocratie, respects les droits de l'homme et en paix paisible.
Nous vous prions de trouver quelques photos en pièces jointes.
BR des PSR-Europe
Dear friends,
Today - October 23rd 2012, the rally was a great success, many participants came from all over Europe.
We, the protesters, asked signatory countries of the Paris Peace
Agreements on Cambodia to strengthen their commitments and to implement
the most urgent recommendations by Professor Surya Prasad Subedi
reported to the UN Council of Human Rights on September 25, 2012 in
Unity is strength! Unity will bring down the dictatorship regime! Unity
will liberate our country from the clutches of the neighbors!
Information today showed that the traitors to the nation have weakened.
Wake up! Fight until our country reaches true democracy, respect of human rights and obtain peace.
Please find some photos in the attached file.
Hun sen must go! Hell is waiting for him,his inlaw hok Lundy is waiting to get revenges for shot down his chopper that killed him.Huk Lundy wants Yummabal to send Hun sen there to answer his question from yummareaj.
Hok Lundy went to America met with top American's CIA,Hanoi and Hun felt paranoid.
It doesn't matter Hok was his in-law he would get rid of him anyway,cause Hun loves his Hanoi's assignment.
Cambodia is a part of Hanoi domino's games.If Cambodia collapse/free,Hanoi will be next.
True Khmer
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