A Change of Guard

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Friday, 12 October 2012

Cambodian opposition leader seeking NZ support

Updated 12 October 2012
Radio New Zealand

The leader of the Cambodian opposition is in Wellington calling for support for democratic elections in his country.
Sam Rainsy lives in exile in France to avoid a prison term for criticising the Cambodian government.
A closed court sentenced him in 2010 to 10 years in prison.
Mr Rainsy was recently in Australia lobbying the Government there and told Nine to Noon he will be speaking to politicians and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs & Trade on Friday.
He said the United Nations has recommended reforms to the political system in Cambodia and he is appealing for support from the New Zealand Government.


Anonymous said...

...and in return, he will be a willing stooge. Begged to be a stooge is sad and pathetic.

Anonymous said...

What is a nonsense idiot like you @13 October 2012 7:50 AM? Kingdom of Khmer/Cambodia is in danger and her natural resources have been destroyed by the corrupted Yuon/Vietnamese CPP regime under the Vietnamese/Yuon illegally installed PM Hun Sen, a Vietnamese/Yuon dog.

If you are Khmer, you need to wake up. If you are Yuon born in Cambodia because of your Yuon/Vietnamese parents have illegally lived in Cambodia, then you and your parents need to pack and go back to Hanoi, communist Vietnam.

So, stop barking, CPP dog.