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Friday, 14 September 2012

Media Alert on Roundtable Discussion on Land Reform Policy in Cambodia On 17 February 2012

Phnom Penh, 14 September 2012
Cambodian Center for Human Rights (CCHR) Hosts
Roundtable Discussion Land Reform Policy in Cambodia
At East & West Cuisine, Phnom Penh

On 17 February 2012, the Cambodian Center for Human Rights (“CCHR”) will host a Roundtable Discussion on Land Reform Policy in Cambodia with a Specific Objective on the “Land Law 2001” with the participation of representatives of groups affected by land conflicts, representatives from NGOs and the parliamentarians from political parties, comprising approximately 30 participants. 

The Roundtable Discussion will be held at East & West Cuisine, #176, Street 288, Sangkat Boeng Keng Kangl, Khan Cahmkarmorn, Phnom Penh, Cambodia. The purpose of the Roundtable Discussion is to provide an opportunity for the groups who are affected by land conflicts to voice their problems and concerns that are caused by any negative aspects of Land Law 2001, as well as any concerning its lack of effective implementation for ensuring that the land and housing rights of the Cambodian people are observed and protected.

In the morning session of the discussion, the participants comprising the representatives of the groups who are affected by land conflicts and the representatives of civil society will dialogue and discuss the above problems, and will share their recommendations for improving the land law, as well as the reforms they view as needed for its effective implementation. 

In the afternoon session of the discussion in which the parliamentarians from other political parties will participate, all of the problems, concerns and recommendations raised by the participants in the discussion’s morning session will be presented to these parliamentarians. Each political party’s parliamentarians responses to the problems, concerns and recommendations of those participants will then be heard, as well as what consideration the parliamentarians will make in integrating these recommendations into their land policy in the run-up to the fifth mandate of the National Assembly Election in 2013. 
For more information, please contact:
Mr. Vann Sophath, Land Reform Project Coordinator, CCHR
Tel: +855 12 941 206
Email: vann.sophath@cchrcambodia.org

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