BATTAMBANG (Cambodia Herald) - Dog meat is not only
sought after by Koreans visiting Cambodia but is also popular among
Cambodians in the provinces.
Phu Song Heng has been running a dog restaurant catering to locals in Rom Chek Boun village in Rathanak commune for seven years.
chose this business after I stopped working as a statue molder," he
told Cambodia Express News, an affiliate of The Cambodia Herald.
"The business started getting recognized and has been doing well since the fourth year."
Phu Song Heng says he buys about 60 kilograms of dog meat a day for about 10,000 riel ($2.50) a kilo.
small plate of cooked dog meat costs 3,500 riel and it's 5,000 riel ($1.25) for
a big dish," he said, adding that daily turnover is about a million
riel ($250) including drinks.
"Vegetables, banana flowers and herbs go really well with this meat because they help reduce the strong smell."
Song Heng uses a sauce which he calls "Teok Chro Louk Ma Chu Kon Me"
which includes ginger, saffron, lemongrass, orange leaves, tamarind,
soybeans, shrimp paste, sugar and salt.
"The curry dish takes
about an hour to be done, and may take longer if the meat is tough," he
said. The restaurant also features roast dog.
One customer, who
gave his name as Makara, said he was a big fan of dog meat. "It gives me
strength and it's a special appetizer," he said.
customer, Samam, noted that the meat contained no chemicals. "But it is
high in calories and makes me warm in winter," he said, echoing a common
Chinese reason for eating dog. "It's also a rare meat banned in
Sor Pang is another big fan of the restaurant,
especially the euphemistically-named "Sonte Sok Phum" (Village Guard)
dish. "The sauce is great," he said. "The meat is also recognized by
the government needs to ban this kind of restaurant. I rather have Cambodian be famous on something else, not dog eater. It is shameful.
Agree 1000%. Should allow only in one village of the whole country.
This guy stealing Yuon claims to fame! That is Yuons delicacy or Yuons favorites dish...
Don't steal Yuon's signature's foods food please!
Dogs are man best friend not food for man,you shouldn't eat your best friend,shouldn't you!? What's next!? Human being!?
Agree, I had a pet dog and he very intelligent. You can tell he understand some of your words. When I say good thing about him he came closer to lick your face or lay on your lap. When I made at him he put his face down and ran to hide. So you can see dogs are smarter than most animals. They have feeling. PLEASE ROYAL GOVERNMENT HELP THESE PEOPLES FIND OTHER WAYS TO MAKE A LIVING. We will be hated by the rest of CIVILIZE NATIONS.
Idiot! I don't eat dog meat, but why is eating pigs, cows, chicken, or anything else is any different,beside your ignorant perceptions.
If you eat meat than don't judge others. You're just like the vegans that tell me that eating meat is cruel. There are so much ignorance and hypocrisy in this world.
All you anonymous are all cowards. Make comments but hide behind your computer or whatever you use.
Searon Ly,
Do we we believe that your name is the real name? I never seen anyone is named Searon. Saron yes, but not Searon.
រាប់ម៉ឺនឆ្នាំតាមការបរបាញ់ គឺ ជាគូប្រមាញ់រួម
សហការគ្នា។ ការបែរចិត្តរវាងគូនេះគឺចាប់ផ្ដើម
ស្មោះ ម្យ៉ាងទៀតខ្មែរមានជង្រុកត្រីទន្លេសាប។
ខ្មែររឹតតែពុំត្រូវការឆ្កែថែមទៀត។ តែចរឹតខ្មែរ
ស្មោះត្រង់និងស្លូតត្រង់ ទើបយើងស្រឡាញ់ឆ្កែ
រហូតមក។ ទើបតែសម័យនេះទេ ឃើញមានការ
សម្លាប់ឆ្កែយកសាច់បរិភោគនិង លក់ដូរក្នុង
ស្រុកយើង ដែលជាការពុំគួរគប្បីប្រព្រឹត្តទាល់តែ
សោះ។ ឆ្កែជាមិត្តដ៏កម្សត់របស់មនុស្ស។
ahh nii hella chluy!! ah chluy!
U r too,hide behind computer say sh%%z the way you want and calling people name,I dare you to reveal your real name and your real IP...if not,calling yourself a coward and idiot....!
His name is sear only not a real name its a fake name a coward idiot's name.Dogs eater yuon-yiek cong or offspring of the jungle's Cpp clans.His/her parents left the jungle more than 30 yrs now,but the jungle never leave them or their offspring!...
Say that to yourself or your cpp's parents,they will understand this kind of language from the jungle....Chhluoey! Ah,chhluoey....
It is shameful to know Battambang is the Cambodia capital of dog meat eater. Cambodia government should ban dog meat period!!!!
Ban this dog meat crap. Korea and china takes a lot of flack for doing this kind of mess. Cambodia should not be included in that.
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