Dr. Gaffar Peang-Meth
September 1, 2012
An article by Dr. Gaffar Peang-Meth published by the Asian Human Rights Commission
A Khmer proverb, Chaul stung tarm bawt, says if you travel a
river you must follow its bend. In contemporary Cambodia, the behavior
represented in the ancient proverb is cast aside in favor of conduct
expressed through a saying, Thveu doch ke doch aeng, or "Do like
others do." If you don't follow the bends in the river, you won't get
where you want to go, says the old proverb. But the current translation
alters the meaning: If you don't do as others do, you will look odd and
be the subject of ridicule.
A classic psychological experiment found one in three persons would
modify his or her own opinion to conform with that of others. Conformity
is a human trait. But Cambodians are generally conformists by culture.
For two thousand years, Khmers have been taught to korup (respect), bamreur (serve), and karpier (defend) rulers and authorities. To deviate from this behavioral pattern raises a question of the transgressor's smoh trang (loyalty). Such distrust, or min touk chet, is an opening toward an eventual charge of kbawt (treason).
Cambodia's current autocratic Prime Minister Hun Sen is employing
this culture to maintain his rule. Many Cambodians today, like most in
the past, are directly or obliquely coerced to obey the regime – or at
least not to oppose it. Not wanting to be charged with treason, kbawt, one wants to be seen doch ke doch aeng – to do like others do.
Changing such a culture -- attitudes, norms, ways of doing things of a
whole people -- is difficult but is necessary if the country is to
change its destiny. In the Khmer nation of conformists, a change of such
culture may be accomplished by Khmer Buddhists (comprising more than 90
percent of the population) who apply what their Lord Buddha teaches:
Buddhists do not mind what others do or not do, but value an
individual's action to create a future of his or her own choosing.
Humans are responsible for their own destiny. In the words of Khmer
writer Bouawat Sithi, "with a wholesome state of mind," humans can
create "a heaven" -- peace -- for themselves and others; "with an
unwholesome state of mind," humans can create "a hell."
One Cambodian who worked to affect a change in traditional Khmer
culture was Cambodian veteran diplomat Srey Pheach, who passed away last
Introducing PheachA native of Sisophon, Battambang, Srey Pheach graduated in public administration from Cambodia's Ecole Royale d'Administration and
joined Cambodia's Ministry of Foreign Affairs in 1959. He was posted in
Egypt, at the United Nations, in Czechoslovakia, and the Philippines.
Srey Pheach described his thinking, based on his 16 years of
observation as a diplomat, in two handwritten essays. He gave me the
first in 2009 and the second this year, shortly before his death. I have
chosen in this column to share Pheach's observations both because he
was my friend and because I believe they have value. He had firsthand
experiences that add dimension to available historical accounts, and was
an honorable man who gave much of himself to improve the lot of his
countrymen, both as a government functionary and as an expatriate who
remained politically active until his death.
Pheach offers insightful accounts of two events, in particular that
would be of interest to historians. During his tenure (1966-68) as
director of the press department of Cambodia's foreign ministry he
served as liaison with foreign reporters in Cambodia. Pheach describes
an encounter in 1967 when George McArthur and Horst Faas of the
Associated Press and Ray Herndon of United Press International slipped
out of Phnom Penh to the Vietnam border. There they found a Vietnamese
Communist campsite four miles inside Cambodia in Kompong Cham. Later,
when Pheach served in Prague (1968-1974), he was in direct contact with
Prince Sihanouk's son, Prince Sihamoni, a student in Prague, when
Sihanouk was abroad in 1970, the Prince was overthrown by his own
government led by General Lon Nol, prime minister.
When the United States disengaged from Southeast Asia and the Khmer
Republic surrendered to the Khmer Rouge, Srey Pheach and his family
moved from his post in the Philippines to the country he called "the
world leader in democracy," the United States.
Once in the United States, he chaired the non-profit Free Cambodia, Inc., immersed
himself in activities to help Cambodian refugees and to expose the
Khmer Rouge's atrocities. His meeting with First Lady Rosalynn Carter
was a catalyst for her visit to refugee camps at the Thai-Khmer border.
He gave his all to oppose the Khmer Rouge and later the 1979 Vietnamese
invasion and occupation of Cambodia. In the late 1990s and early 2000s,
Pheach became the leader in the United States of the primary opposition
party in Cambodia.
Pheach's writingsPheach's writings, based on his
direct experiences with history, describe events that are not
represented in the rewritten history offered by the Hun Sen regime and
by some Cambodian and foreign interpreters of Khmer history. Through his
writing he rejects the deeply embedded Khmer culture that kowtows to
power and calls for quality thinking against fear and blind obedience.
As he remarked to me from his sickbed, "Lord Buddha teaches there are
three things that cannot be hidden: The sun, the moon, and the truth."
To Pheach, that "truth" must overwhelm the traditional culture of blind
obedience and acceptance.
More than one-third of Cambodia's total population of 14 million is
under the age of 15 years (born in the late 1990s). This significant
number of people has no knowledge of, nor interests in, the whats and
whys of their country's past. Hun Sen seized upon this weakness to
politically socialize the people through demonizing adversaries, keeping
people fearful and passive, so that he can stay in power.
Pheach rejects Hun Sen's continuing assertions that there would have
been no "civil war," nor atrocities by the Khmer Rouge that resulted in
the deaths of up to three million people in Cambodia, had Lon Nol not
deposed Chief of State Prince Sihanouk in 1970 – a thesis used by
Sihanouk himself and those in the left of the political spectrum. Pheach
rebutted the regime's allegation that Sihanouk's deposal resulted in US
B-52 bombings of Cambodia, a US military invasion, and US aid to
Cambodians who hated the Prince.
The rise of the Khmer RougeFor Pheach, the Khmer Rouge movement was born during Prince Sihanouk's Sangkum Reastr Niyum era,
and after the Prince's security minister Kou Roun's men beat up and
stripped Khieu Samphan naked in public (Samphan was pulled off a cyclo
cab near the Central Market for public beating and humiliation), and
after orders went out to arrest a number of Cambodians, including Hou
Youn, Hu Nim, and other intellectuals, accused of being "red."
Thus, began an exodus of Cambodian intellectuals into the forests
where a Khmer Rouge movement was proclaimed in Samlaut, Battambang. And
it was General Lon Nol's soldiers who were sent, on the orders of the
prince, to brutally crush the Samlaut rebels.
Vietnamese Communist sanctuariesPheach's writings
find support in the works of scholars and researchers on Cambodia's
history and politics. While ideologically or politically motivated
interpreters of history can make a study of history confusing, Pheach's
writings focus mainly on factual events in which he was involved.
Since the country's independence was declared in 1953, the Prince's
proclaimed policy for Cambodia was "neutrality," Pheach wrote, but
several years later the Prince's left-leaning pro-Communist neutrality
witnessed China as Cambodia's number one friend and Western embassies in
Phnom Penh closed, except the French embassy. The committee of wise
men, with Penn Nouth, Son Sann, Pho Proeung, and others, as advisers,
started to lose its clout over the Prince, who made himself atanaurmat, the country's "decider."
The Chinese led Sihanouk to believe that China would provide Cambodia
with foreign aid greater than that given by the US. When Cambodia cut
off US aid, Chinese aid was directed instead to the Khmer Rouge;
Cambodia's economy suffered. In Pheach's words, as late as 1968, "there
were Khmer officers hard pressed to find shoes to wear."
With China as her primary benefactor, Cambodia opened her port at
Sihanoukville and the airport at Pochentong to Chinese shipments of war
materiel for the Vietcong and North Vietnamese. The Communists who took
refuge in sanctuaries on Khmer soil, moved at night into Southern
Vietnam to fight the Americans and their allies; and when the Americans
pursued them into Cambodia, Pheach wrote, the Cambodian foreign ministry
was responsible for protesting. While at first Vietnamese Communist
troops appeared to maintain some respect for Khmer territory, soon the
territory was treated like a conquered land and Khmer soldiers,
provincial guards and police in the area were shot at.
Pheach claimed, the Prince, concerned with the reported use of Khmer
territory by VC/NVN troops, instructed the foreign ministry to invite
representatives of the International Control Commission, created in
Geneva in 1954, comprised of non-aligned India as chair, Canada, and
Poland as members, to investigate.
According to Pheach, the common practice was for Cambodia's foreign
ministry to make "arrangements" with VC/NVN troops to leave Khmer
territory before the ICC team would arrive to investigate.
Investigators/visitor would be shotPheach provided accounts of his personal encounters with the VC/NVN representatives in Cambodia.
One encounter was during Mrs. Jacqueline Kennedy's visit to Cambodia
in 1967, when AP reporters McArthur and Faas, and UPI reporter Herndon
slipped out of Phnom Penh and discovered a VC/NVN sanctuary in Mimot,
Kompong Cham, four miles inside Cambodia. They reported their finding,
to the chagrin of the royal government. Instructions from the "higher
level" came down to those responsible in the foreign ministry to invite
the ICC to investigate. The person responsible was Srey Pheach, who
wrote, it took the ICC three months to agree to investigate – more than
enough time for "arrangements" to be executed.
"We had ordered the governor of Kompong Cham to receive the three-man
ICC team. In reality the governor had already arranged for VC/NVN
troops to vacate Khmer territory and had converted their sanctuary into a
Cambodian training base."
"I, Srey Pheach, from the foreign ministry," and two Cambodian
officers, accompanied the ICC investigators by helicopter to Kompong
Cham. Pheach noted that during the flight, the Polish member was anxious
and very quiet. But they arrived in Mimot and found no VC/NVN
sanctuary. Upon returning to Phnom Penh, Pheach wrote, "the Polish
member (representing the Communist bloc) embraced me and congratulated
me for a job well done."
Pheach returned to his office to learn that earlier on that same day
the North Vietnamese ambassador had met with Pheach's boss, Foreign
Minister Prince Phurissara and told the latter the Vietnamese were
disappointed with the ICC's visit to Mimot, "a continuing of which would
hurt the Vietnamese struggle."
Later that day, Pheach declined an invitation to dinner by a North
Vietnamese diplomat who came to see him. Pheach wrote, he told the
Vietnamese that Cambodia was still an independent country and Pheach
could invite the ICC to investigate any place any time.
At another time, there was a report of Communist Vietnamese
occupation in the Cambodian provinces of Rattanakiri and Mondulkiri.
Again the foreign ministry, in the person of Srey Pheach, was ordered by
Sihanouk to have the ICC investigate the reports. Pheach was to make
the customary "arrangements" with the Vietnamese in advance of the ICC
"I, Srey Pheach, was responsible to meet the Vietcong and North
Vietnamese representatives to plead with them to withdraw troops before
the ICC's visit; the troops can return after the visit," wrote Pheach.
"The representatives of both embassies rejected the plea and told me if I
and the ICC will visit, they will shoot." Pheach's report on the
incident worried the royal government.
Soon, the ICC was kicked out of Cambodia.
The deposal of Prince SihanoukPheach wrote that
around the time of the Rattanakiri-Mondulkiri trouble, the Soviet and
Czech governments invited Prince Sihanouk for a state visit.
Pheach claimed that Prince Sihanouk and General Lon Nol met and
agreed that one day before the Prince's official visit to Prague, a
popular demonstration was to take place and the Prince would use the
demonstration to tell the Eastern Bloc of the Cambodian people's
unhappiness with the presence of the Vietcong and the North Vietnamese
troops on Khmer territory and would plead with the Eastern Bloc to
intervene to have the Vietnamese troops withdrawn.
When the demonstration occurred, its organizers failed to keep
demonstrators under control. Demonstrators burned down the two
Vietnamese Communist embassies. This angered the Prince who was in
France. He declined to receive a Cambodian delegation of Prince Kantol
as representative of the royal government, and Mr. Yem Sambaur as
representative of the Queen Mother, sent to explain to the Chief of
State what really happened. The Prince also cancelled his planned visit
to Prague.
"At the time, I, Srey Pheach, was posted in Czechoslovakia, where
(Prince Sihanouk's son) Prince Sihamoni was a student," Pheach's paper
reads. Pheach wrote, "Prince Sihamoni told me that his mother telephoned
him daily and told him not to worry, there are only a handful of
traitors and when the Prince Papa will return to Phnom Penh those
traitors will be dealt with." Pheach said those words shook up the
leaders in Phnom Penh, who concluded they would not wait for the Prince
to arrest them; they undertook a preemptive strike by deposing the
(Not mentioned in Pheach's account was an alleged secret tape
recording from Paris on which the Prince reportedly threatened death to
Cambodian leaders in Phnom Penh, a tape recording that was said to have
convinced the foot-dragging Lon Nol, the last man, to agree to the
Pheach asserted that the deposal of the Prince was "accidental"; there was no plan for it – who dared to depose a God-king?
Pheach quoted a French proverb, Les absents ont toujours tort,
or "The absent are always in the wrong," referring to the deceased Lon
Nol, who cannot tell his story about what he and Sihanouk had discussed
and agreed. Lon Nol cannot defend himself, and Prince Sihanouk will not
tell what really happened.
Prince Sihanouk's fateful decisionPheach wrote that
the Prince was not told of his deposal from power until he reached the
airport in Moscow; and that Soviet leaders had wanted the Prince to
return to Cambodia, but the Prince had opted to head to China instead.
Upon his arrival in China, NVN Premier Pham Van Dong met with the
Prince, assured Sihanouk he could be returned to power in 24 hours, but
the Prince said he wanted no bloodletting.
The Prince soon changed his mind: He was Chief of State for life, no
one could depose him; he announced the formation of a royal government
abroad. Pheach wrote of the Prince's Canton conference, joined by
Vietnamese and Lao representatives, when it was resolved that the three
Indochinese people were now one: "Vietnamese troops in Cambodia are
Cambodians; Cambodian troops in Vietnam are Vietnamese; Cambodian troops
in Laos are Lao; Lao troops in Cambodia are Cambodians."
It was in that time that Cambodian diplomats abroad, including Chan
Youran, Chem Sgnuon, Hor Namhong, among others, flocked to join the
Prince, who thenceforth called through Peking Radio for Cambodians to
join the Khmer Rouge to evict the Americans from the country. Pheach
conceded that there were Cambodians who still "loved and respected" the
Prince, so entire villages fled to the Khmer Rouge – but US troops were
not in Cambodia, said Pheach.
Pheach noted Khieu Samphan's statement in a Cambodian newspaper that
the Khmer Rouge revolution would be more easily accomplished with the
Prince involved. Thus Prince Sihanouk's forces, the Vietcong, the North
Vietnamese, and the Khmer Rouge combined to fight Republican troops.
With US aid terminated in 1975, the Khmer Republic collapsed. And thus
started the mass killings of Cambodians and non-Cambodians by the Khmer
Pheach suggested that the thesis that asserts those who deposed the
Prince were ultimately responsible for the following years of "civil
war" and of Khmer Rouge devastation was not even Hun Sen's but
Sihanouk's; that Hun Sen used the thesis to neutralize the Prince, who
was critical of Hun Sen, especially his handling of Khmer-Vietnamese
border issues. Subsequently, Hun Sen supported the coronation of Prince
Sihamoni as King of Cambodia and honors Prince Sihanouk, as the King
Father. In the strange world of Cambodian politics, Hun Sen and King
Father Sihanouk are now allies of convenience. And the Cambodian people
have no advocate in the halls of power.
The AHRC is not responsible for the views shared in this article, which do not necessarily reflect its own.

1 comment:
Too long too sleepy to read,nothing news everyone know that Sdach Sinorook aided Viet cong and destroyed Kamuphea for Viet cong.Sdach komrook better dies rotten in hell like Ho chi Minh n' Nixon or Polpot.
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