An article by Dr. Gaffar Peang-Meth
Published by the Asian Human Rights Commission
It’s useful once in a while to recall that I am not a politician and
have no desire to be one. I am not here to tell people what they like to
hear nor to disparage. I believe in the principles and ideals of
republicanism; and I write about subjects I believe I am qualified to
discuss. Readers’ actions and reactions are their own. While
disagreements can provide the fodder for healthy debate, those engaging
in debate should not display arrogance or intolerance. Passionate
opinion can be expressed with civility.
My last article, "Khmer diplomat dubs Hun Sen a fabricator of Khmer
history," appeared on the day of the late Srey Pheach’s funeral,
attended by so many. It brought e-mails from Pheach’s friends and
acquaintances from different places and from Phnom Penh where sits the
dictator against whom Pheach fought until his last breath.
ValidationPheach’s writing was validated by a high
ranking member of the Khmer elite in Phnom Penh, whose credibility I
have never doubted. I knew him when he was in the thick of the political
events examined in the article. He referred to my article as "the most
well written true story of Cambodia’s bloody past by the late Srey
But he also added to the story Pheach shared. My friend wrote that
Pheach did not mention the cessation of US bombings in 1973, followed by
the "fast reduction of US forces from Vietnam," which hardened the
"stubborn position" of the Vietcong and the North Vietnamese at the
Paris conference. The war dragged on "for two more years until the total
collapse of . . . Cambodia, Laos and South Vietnam"; and though Prince
Sihanouk was assured by the VC/NVN they would help him return to power,
they "preferred to deal with the Khmer Rouge for tactical and political
reasons rather than with the . . . too independent minded" Prince
A week earlier, a former US foreign service officer who had been
attached to the US Embassy in Phnom Penh, told me he rejected "the old
leftist allegation that US bombing was responsible for causing many
Cambodian peasants to join the Khmer Rouge . . . used as an excuse for
the atrocities perpetrated by the KR, a sort of ‘the bombing made them
do it.’" He reiterated, Cambodians joined "the fight" called by Prince
Sihanouk because they thought it was to restore the monarchy, rather
than to support the Khmer Rouge. "Those allegations that the bombing
caused people to join the KR are not based on any clear evidence as far
as I know," he wrote. "This is an idea concocted mostly by Western
intellectuals who then attempted to attribute it to the Khmer peasants."
"Look to the open sky" Today, a Khmer teacher I
never met, a regular reader of these columns, e-mailed: "I have been
missing you . . . I can think, I cannot talk in public. My friends
always said (to me) don’t (talk), just look at the open sky…" He worries
about his teaching job because he is critical of the culture of bribery
in his school.
Two jobless university graduates who maintain e-mail communications
with me complain that the regime sold their lands to others, and
unwinnable court proceedings are keeping them busy.
Another email came from a Cambodian who was educated abroad but is
now living in Phnom Penh: "Don’t think that everybody is in line with ‘chaul stung tarm bawt’.
People here are just lying low for the right moment to burst into a
violent flame and anger. They are keeping themselves quiet because they
need security and time to educate and feed their family. People in the
streets are complaining about the same story daily: The lack of justice,
freedom of expression, violation of human rights, illegal land
grabbing, unemployment, high cost of living, and endless other
I couldn’t believe what I read from one close to the center of power.
"(People) have feared those who ruled the country for so long whether
under a kingdom, a republic, a bloody communist Democratic Kampuchea of
Pol Pot, a Vietnamese-installed puppet (regime), or the current
iron-fist dictatorship of Khmer-Vietminh."
Another correspondent is an ex-pat who lives in Phnom Penh. "The
personality cult of and around Hun Sen, often with Bun Rany, has clearly
taken over in recent years from eulogizing of royalty . . . For many of
us, we just remember the last major bloodshed of (Hun Sen’s) calling in
1997, as well as the monotonous incessant suffering of poor Cambodians
inflicted [sic] with Economic Land Concessions prominent of late."
It doesn’t seem that Cambodia is faring well from what the people above wrote.
UN warning of Cambodia’s return to violenceOn
September 10 through 28, the UN Human Rights Council in Geneva, an
intergovernmental body of 47 States responsible for the promotion and
protection of human rights around the globe, holds its 21st session.
Among documents to be considered is A/HRC/21/63, "Report of the Special
Rapporteur on the situation of human rights in Cambodia, Surya P.
The good news is, on September 25 when the UNHRC will examine
Subedi's recommendations, Cambodian expatriates will rally in front of
the UNHRC's headquarters in Geneva to request the organization's support
for the report and urge the member states -- and through them their
respective capitals -- to take action to implement the recommendations
in order to protect the human rights of the Cambodian people.
One of only eight country-specific UN special rapporteurs in the
world, Subedi, a Professor of International Law (Leeds University), and
Officer of the Order of the British Empire (OBE) described as his main
task "to cast an impartial expert eye on the overall human rights
situation in Cambodia and offer constructive advice . . . to address the
problems that exist with regard to the overall situation in the
His report, a must read, says it is "regrettable" that most
recommendations by bilateral and multilateral agencies to reform
Cambodia’s electoral process "remain unimplemented" by the government;
notes the high human cost of Cambodia’s economic land concessions on
people's rights, noting in particular the forced evictions at Boeung Kak
lake and Borei Keila; and warns that "If the electoral process is
unable to command the trust and confidence of the electorate . . . the
country may run the risk of a return to violence."
He lists "major flaws" in the administration of elections by
Cambodia’s National Election Committee that organizes and manages polls.
A "particular stake and responsibility"Subedi
acknowledges improvement in Cambodia’s overall human rights situation,
but, "There remains, however, much to be done to fulfill the obligation
of Cambodia under the international human rights treaties it has
He accepts that political stability is needed for economic
development, "but stability should be founded on fairness, equity,
transparency, legitimacy and a level of playing field to enable all
political actors to make an equitable contribution to the country’s
governance." He calls on the government, the NEC, and the provincial
election committees to "ensure conformance to international standards
before, during and after the casting of votes."
Subedi’s report notes, "The Paris Peace Agreements established the
rule of law, human rights and democracy as major pillars of the new
political architecture for the country. Accordingly, the peace process
cannot be regarded as complete until the democratic institutions created
under the Constitution are able to work effectively and independently.
The international community has a particular stake and responsibility in
this regard."
Cambodian government’s responseSubedi’s report won
praise from opposition officials and nongovernmental organizations, but
Prime Minister Hun Sen’s government rejects it as an inaccurate
reflection of the true situation of Cambodia’s human rights.
Cambodia’s human rights committee chief Om Yin Tieng accused Subedi
of political bias and suggested he work as advisor to the opposition
instead; Council of Ministers spokesman Phay Siphan branded the report
"outdated"; and a government press release claimed Prime Minister Hun
Sen’s government has not only "promoted the rights and dignity of the
people" but has carried out agreements and conventions conforming to
national and international laws.
Yet early this month, plain-clothes police officers arrested Boeung
Kak community activist Ms. Yorm Bopha, 29, for committing "intentional
violence" – without specifying what – and imprisoned her at Prey Sar. A
day after, 65-year-old Ms. Tim Sakmony who has been sleeping for months
under a staircase at Borei Keila, was arrested and sent to Prey Sar
prison for incitement.
In early August, a Joint Open Letter signed by 34 Civil Society
members called for the dismissal of Phnom Penh Deputy Police Chief
Phuong Malay for his "unacceptable, facetious and offensive" remarks
concerning Ms. Bov Srey Sras, a pregnant protester who was "brutally
mistreated" by police officers in a clash, causing her to lose her baby.
Malay's words were quoted on the front page of the Phnom Penh Post: "Is
the victim old or young, and does she sue me to return her kid? I want
to tell her that if she wants to get back her kid, I am also young."
In mid-July, the 70-year-old director of independent Beehive Radio
and president of Cambodia’s Democrat Association, Mam Sonando, was
arrested by 20 police officers on direct orders of Prime Minister Hun
Sen, who accused Sonando of leading a secessionist movement and a
subversive plot to overthrow his government.
Ill and held in prison without bail, Sonando has been a critic of the
government-imposed forced evictions and illegal land grabbing. It is
believed Sonando was arrested because of a Beehive Radio broadcast about
the complaint at the International Criminal Court at The Hague by Suon
Serey Ratha, head of the Khmer People Power Movement, charging Prime
Minister Hun Sen with crimes against humanity.
Late last month, Luke Hunt wrote in The Diplomat, "Accusations
of a secessionist movement were linked to a long-running land dispute
in Kratie involving a Russian company, Casotim, which won a
15,000-hectare economic land concession." Hunt referenced "hundreds of
armed police and military personnel" storming Pro Ma village, evicting
"a thousand families living in the concession (area). The authorities
opened fire and killed 14-year-old (Ms) Heng Chantha when the villagers
refused to leave . . . police arrested a number of villagers and alleged
they were secessionists," whom the government accused of plotting with
Mam Sonando.
As national and international rights groups urged the government to
release Sonando, a statement by the Overseas Press Club of Cambodia
reads, "The allegation that the villagers were trying to secede has been
widely ridiculed as a fabrication, and there is consequently little
reason to see the related charge against Mam Sonando in any other
Hunt concluded, "given the government’s track record on human rights, such a release remains highly unlikely."
But, anything is possible in Cambodia.
A revealing clue?Seizing upon Subedi’s report, the
US-based Khmer People Network for Cambodia wrote to the special
rapporteur on the necessity to implement Subedi’s recommendations: The
"forceful and immediate implementation of the ‘recommendations’" would
yield "a drastic reform" of the NEC that would "guarantee free and fair
election in 2013 and after." The KPNC praised Dr. Subedi’s report.
Subedi expressed gratitude for the KPNC’s appreciation of his work
and, "I will continue to do my utmost to promote and protect human
rights in Cambodia." Subedi, who writes in his report about a
"particular stake and responsibility" of the international community,
can do no more to compel sovereign independent states to implement the
Paris agreements on Cambodia.
I, too, applaud Dr. Subedi’s commitment to promote and protect human
rights in Cambodia. He may be thanked for his diligence at the risk of
being barred from future entry to Cambodia. We can hope that will not be
the case.
Politics and LawInternational politics can be very ugly. A state’s foreign policy course of action is dictated by its leader’s assessment of what is in the country’s national interest. Foreign policy decision-making is determined by international and domestic possibilities and constraints – the nature of the international system and the country’s political culture and subnational actors, including the powerful special interest groups.
Politics and LawInternational politics can be very ugly. A state’s foreign policy course of action is dictated by its leader’s assessment of what is in the country’s national interest. Foreign policy decision-making is determined by international and domestic possibilities and constraints – the nature of the international system and the country’s political culture and subnational actors, including the powerful special interest groups.
On the other hand, the body of rules and principles that serves as a
guide in sovereign independent states’ interactions with one another has
lacked effective international enforcement mechanisms. A law is useless
when it is not implemented.
I am reminded of a long-ago Isareli ambassador to the United States
who, in 1957, described a popular belief in the nature of law this way:
"International law is the law which the wicked do not obey and which the
righteous do not enforce."
"There is a stirring in Cambodia for change," writes a friend, a
British ex-pat in Cambodia; "Unfortunately the elite in Cambodia will
not give up or share power without bloodshed." My friend asked
cynically, "What hope is there when the National Election Committee is
to have its new HQ built by Nagacorps . . . that already dwarfs the
National Assembly?" "My country, the UK, is just intent on trade now,
not upsetting Hun Sen over human rights abuses or corruption!," he
Le ciel t’aideraNext month will be the twenty-first
anniversary of the Paris Peace Agreements. It’s a safe bet that
Cambodian expatriates will gather to commemorate the Agreements and
appeal for their implementation – an annual expression of dependency.
Yet, Prime Minister Hun Sen’s autocracy is not destined to last. No
government under this sun can last without the support of the people.
The Hun Sen regime is not without some popular support, but many,
perhaps a majority, loathe the regime. Foreign governments near and far
are not blind to the situation in Cambodia. They are watching and
analyzing what may replace this autocracy. Why jump from the frying pan
into the fire?
Thus, the 70 percent of Cambodians who are below the age of 30 must
be won over by democracy activists. These activists must show their
political muscle through demonstrations of their vision, organizational
skills, and their popularity if they are to gain support from
governments that are already sympathetic to their cause. They need to
show their unity and creativity, and present themselves as a credible
alternative to the existing dictatorship. They need to show greater
success at the ballot box in the forthcoming election in 2013. Then
things will begin to change. The French say, Aide-toi, le ciel t’aidera – Help yourself and Heaven will help you.
Change requires Cambodians to shrug off their fossilized attitudes;
to practice what their Lord Buddha has taught: to do all good, avoid all
evil, and purify the mind; and to initiate nonviolent action to end the
autocracy that has inflicted untold suffering on the people of
We need international support – which will come when Cambodian
democrats have proven themselves able to assimilate that support and
execute a plan of action to establish a free and fair government in
The AHRC is not responsible for the views shared in this article, which do not necessarily reflect its own.

Dr. Gaffar Peang-Meth is retired from the University of Guam, where he taught political science for 13 years. He currently lives in the United States. He can be contacted at
“They need to show their unity and creativity, and present themselves as a credible alternative to the existing dictatorship. They need to show greater success at the ballot box in the forthcoming election in 2013. Then things will begin to change. The French say, Aide-toi, le ciel t’aidera – Help yourself and Heaven will help you."
I completely agree with this statement. Not all Khmers loving their country want to be politicians, or saviors of any kind despite their patriotism and big ambition for their homeland. All players on the field, in both sides, are constantly under scrutiny. However, desire and support for them to do well can be easily fading. I recognize that it is hard on the oppositions when they are unable to hide their weakness. Maintaining the level of supports inside the country and in the diasporas proves to be really tough when the leadership is being doted with mistakes (to borrow it from President Omaha: often fast to shoot first and aim later!, flip-flop on unification, on Arab spring style revolution, on foreign policy, on country development, on which the opposition now claims credits after first denouncing the government policy) and lagging behind the mass especially in strategic thinking.
Despite all this, the unification is the right big step in the right direction. But the battle is still have to be won. To be truly democratic Cambodia needs a credible opposition. It is also a warranty for our survival as a nation.
Unification between all democratic factions will ensure increased supports and chances of winning the election. We know Hun Sen rigged and cheated to win, but if we are united then Hun Sen and his gang cannot cheat us.
Dream on my fellows khmers,no disrespect it is true that Yuon back Hun sen 100%.if Hun sen loses an election,Yiek cong kill Hun sen.So Hun sen do any thing possible to wins at all causes!...Hun sen life is on the line here,he loses he dies he wins he'll survive.......
What would you do if you were Hun sen? and if your life on the line? With Yuon you survive! without Yuon you die!....What would you do!!???
Hun Sen will can to die with his head hang on a stick for 99 years in Vietnam or he can have his head on a stick hang for 99 years in Cambodia.
Where will Hun Sen's head be for 99 years? This traitor and murderer should be buried in the Pacific Ocean away from the Khmer land.
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