A Change of Guard

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Saturday, 15 September 2012

Border Expert Says Old Vietnam Treaties Should Be Nulified

                 Sean Pengse

15th September, 2012 
By Sok Khemara, VOA Khmer 

WASHINGTON DC - Despite assurances from Prime Minister Hun Sen that no Cambodian land has been ceded to Vietnam, a France-based border expert said the government has failed to nullify treaties with its eastern neighbor that would do just that. 

Sean Pengse, former Cambodian minister of industry and president of the Paris-based Cambodia Border Committee, told “Hello VOA” that at least four border treaties were made during Vietnam’s occupation of Cambodia, from 1979 to 1989, causing the loss of territory. 

A supplementary agreement was made in 2005, sparking protests from many Cambodians. 

With the national election approaching next year, and border questions often at the forefront of heated political debate, Hun Sen recently gave a five-hour speech to the National Assembly, broadcast live on state television, defending his government’s border policies.

During the speech, Hun Sen said Cambodia had not lost any land and said that new technology had shown it was actually 300 square kilometers larger than traditionally thought. Some Cambodian land, such as Kampuchea Krom, or Lower Cambodia, was lost following the French withdrawal from Indochina, he said, adding that Cambodia, once it submitted a map of its borders to the UN in 1964, no longer had claim to the lower Mekong Delta or islands like Koh Tral and others that now belong to Vietnam.

Meanwhile, Cambodia and Vietnam have yet to reach full agreements on border demarcation. Sean Pengse said the treaties made when Vietnam occupied Cambodia were coerced, and therefore illegal. “That’s why, by international law, they should be omitted,” he said.


Anonymous said...

Agree with this article about and agree with Sean pangse as well...

Anonymous said...

I want koh tral back and all the islands

Anonymous said...

To above, I agree with all of you that we should find a way to nullify the treaties when Viet had her armed forces occupying Kampuchea. The CPP government were corrupted and traitors. if they want Khmers to clear them of all their wrong doing they must informed Viets that any treaties under foreign occupation are voided and correction to 2005 supplemental treaties must reflect this. I think it would be difficult to do so beause CPP unwillingness and Viets will refuse. We cant have Kioh Tral back.We can declare war on Vietnam, I don't think at this time and the state that we are in we can win a war with them. Our forces are corrupted and illed equips outdated weapons, no budgets, no allies to fully back us up, peoples grew weary of war, Viet's agents are every where within Khmer's government. For now the ONLY thing we can do try our best to replace CPP with real Khmer's government through peaceful mean.

Anonymous said...

uncle, plz stop fooling around,

your ERA, already passed by & long gone forever,

Anonymous said...

I agree with Sean Pengse 100%. Cambodia under Hun Sen lost too many islands and large chunks of territories.

Anonymous said...

Stupid Cpp offspring you are slave to Hanoi and your parents were slaved to Yuon ad well.Cpp offspring always dumb numb's skull, slave Yuon 4fever,until Srok Khmer turns to Champa and Kamuphea krom.

Anonymous said...

Hun sen is too dumb to know what is lost and what is gain about khmer's land,or islands.He can't even count to ten,how is in the hell he
knows what is lost to Yuon or what is gain from Yuon.Yuons always wins-khmers always lost when deal with Yuon everyone khmers encountered with baebaric-Anam long ago...