A Thai website (http://www.smilingalbino.com) and a European website (http://www.bestourism.com) have put Koh Tral Island under Cambodian sovereignty. See the orange and yellow small island on the bottom of the map below. In the map, Koh Tral was shaded in orange and yellow (Cambodia), not shaded white (Vietnam).
The caption below reads: We've learned in history that Koh Tral Island is a Cambodian island and Asean knew this very well, especially Singapore, which was the only country that came out to oppose Hun Sen's ceding of Koh Tral to Vietnam in 1982. In conclusion, only Hun Sen who dare to say that "Koh Tral" belong to Vietnam.
សូម្បីតែវិបសាយទេសចរណ៏របស់ថៃមួយនេះ (http://www.smilingalbino.com) និងសូម្បីតែវិបសាយទេសចរណ៍ អឺរ៉ុបមួយ នេះ(http://www.bestourism.com)ក៏គេដាក់ថាកោះត្រល់ជារបស់ខ្មែរ ដែរ។ យើងរៀនប្រវត្តិសាស្រ្ត យើងដឹងថាកោះនេះជាកោះរ បស់ខ្មែរ និងប្រទេសអាស៊ានក៏គេដឹងដែរ ជាពិសេសសិង្ហបូរី បានចេញមុខមកជំទាស់ជំនួសខ្មែរពេល ហ៊ុន សែន ស៊ីញ៉េឲ្យយួននៅ ឆ្នាំ១៩៨២។ និយាយជារួមមានតែហ៊ុន សែនទេដែលចេញមុខមកនិយាយថាកោះត្រ់ជារបស់យួន។
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Its drive me nut to see all these gone and Srok Khmer getting smaller and khmers'govt still happy friendly with the thieves.Very sad....
The CPP and Hun Sen are the biggest traitors in Cambodian history. They will be tried for treason after they lost the election.
Koh Tral was part of Cambodia under Sihanouk's Songkum Reas Niyum government. Even during the reign of the infamous Khmer Rouge, Koh Tral was part of Cambodia. Under Ah Qwak Hun Sen, he Just hand it over to Vietnam thief. Another word, Vietnam thief arm- twisting Ah Qwak Hun Sen to give up that island. My blood boil when seeing Hanoi thief using Khmer leaders to steal and kill Khmer. One of these days, the Vietnam thief will get it. I hope China is doing same thing to Vietnam, make Vietnam part of China.
Dam rite, I hope china makes Vietnam it bastardised province again.
These sites need to be educated and they will correct the mistake.
This site need to be educated to favor Yuon? Well,correct what mistake? Mistake that this site informed all khmers the truth about Yuon stolen khmer's land or Kohs Tral? Why u called that mistake!? This site is well informed of what is going on around Srok Khmer.Thank you K.I/ khmerization.
I feel so outraged at the island-grabbing Viet thieves and the enemy within namely Hun Sen. F*ck brevie dude. If you look at the American map of Cambodia, it also shows the Koh Tral Island belonging to Cambodia. Currently, the Island of Koh Tral is considered part of the Vietnamese province of Hatien. Well if you read up on the history of that former Khmer province, the Khmer King allowed the Chinese man named Maccu to develop the area and even in the Vietnamese history, the Island of Koh Tral has never been apart of the province of Hatien at all. Even the late Chinese Premier Chou Enlai said that the island of Koh Tral is part of Cambodia. I feel so disgusted at Hun Sen the thug who behaves spinelessly with the land-grabbing thieves. We must find a way to reclaim our island of Koh Tral back. It has always been ours since the beginning of time, and it aint going to change any time soon. We must find ways to get it back from the predatory Viets.
I checked this website called "Phu Quoc Travel Guide" and it says this:
"After Cambodia gained independence from France, sovereignty disputes over the island were raised since there was no colonial decision on the island's fate. Dating back to 1939, the Goverenor-general of French Indochina, Jules Brévié had drawn a line to delimiting the administrative boundaries for islands in the Gulf of Thailand: those north of the line were placed under the Cambodian protectorate; those south of the line were managed by the colony of Cochinchina. Brévié made the point that the decision merely addressed police and administrative task, and that no sovereignty decision had been made. As a result, Phu Quoc remains under Cochinchina administration."
It says it right there. The sovereignty decision of Koh Tral Island had never been made. So this means we can take Vietnam to the International Court and let the court give its decision as to what country should owns the island. Hun Sen really messed up for the Cambodians big time.
Right,please gather all information and Ah Yuon to ICJ like we took ah Siam to ICJ the sooner the better for us Khmer to regain our island back from ah Yuon.Yuon Hanoi knews that if Hun dumb sen gone people will trying reclaim our island back thatwise,Ah Yuon trying to kiss Hun dumb sen and do whatever they can to help Hun dumb sen stay in office.
Well,we have to do more research and gathers all informations/documentations or old map during the colonial France era.I 've learn in khmers' school that Cambodia has many Island and Kohs Tral is among them.
I've learned in khmer's history back in the day that Khmer has Kohs Tral,Kohs roung ,Kohs Ses ,Kosh tro lach that all I can remember Kohs Tral is the largest one among these Kosh.Now for Hun dumb sen to disclaimed that island is unpatriotic and Hun dumb sen has commited TREASON to his nation.
It is NO LONGER khmer land, stop stressing yourself about koh throl. Vote opposition in 2013 and maybe new leader can take back that island.
it sorrow to see this video clip,
however, don't get upset or disappoint.
cos, khmer peoples has small populations and poor defense,
so, we can not be blamed to any bodies in this particular island,
indeed, every leaders does not want to lose such territories,
in which koh trol island to Viet.
conclusion, we all needs to make our defense strong, up to date weapons for our military might,
we needs to encourages our new generation be strong, be smart, to protect & to defense our motherland,
I agree with you some part of your view above.But we don't need to go to war with any nation to get back what was rightfully belong to us by taking the thieves to ICJ fight them in court proof that island has been khmer's island since Khmers'empire to now,fighting with documentation in ICJ the only way set record straight let the court decide the fate of the Island.Fight with bullets will never win when deal with Yuon.
The truth hurt, isn't it , 3:41 AM? Never ever trust a thief in disguise.
It's funny to see Cambodian crying for help from China. I guess they want another Khmer Rouge.
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