Cambodian students take part in a performance to mark the "Day of Anger" at the Choeung Ek killing fields memorial in Phnom Penh on May 20, 2012. (Tang Chhin Sothy/AFP/Getty Images)
Global Post
August 22, 2012
BANGKOK, Thailand — The Cambodian cabal accused of orchestrating the
Khmer Rouge atrocities, among Asia's grisliest state-led massacres, is
now reduced to frail, old men with hoarse voices.
Until they were rounded up by a Nuremberg-style tribunal five years
ago, they had eluded long prison terms and revenge killings by kin of
the 1.7 million whose deaths are linked to their regime.
Now they owe their best shot at freedom to the euro-zone financial
crisis, tightening budgets in the West and even Japan's 2011 tsunami.
The joint United Nations-Cambodian tribunal set up to seek justice
for the Khmer Rouge war crimes is squeaking by month to month and check
to check. Japan, its largest donor, remains financially shaken by last
year's tsunami. The other reliable funders — Australia, the US and a
bevy of European states — are also coping with budget woes.
The money crunch has the UN Secretary General's special expert to the
tribunal, a US attorney named David Scheffer, bouncing from embassy to
embassy to plead for checks that will keep the tribunal alive.
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"I just have to keep plugging away," said Scheffer, the first-ever US
ambassador-at-large for war crimes issues, who helped design tribunals
following atrocities in Rwanda, former Yugoslavia and Sierra Leone.
"It's frankly almost too horrific to try to envision … that trial has
to survive," he said. "It would be outrageous for that trial to
collapse and for these men to walk free without judgement having been
There's no disputing that the three men and one woman currently
prosecuted by the tribunals (formally the Extraordinary Chambers in the
Courts of Cambodia) were senior leaders during the Khmer Rouge's 1975-79
reign. Nuon Chea was its chief ideologue, Ieng Sary its deputy premier,
Khieu Samphan its official head of state and Ieng Thirith its social
affairs minister and highest-ranking woman. All are in their 80s.
Thirith is too elderly and senile to stand trial, according to her
defense. (Pol Pot, the chubby-faced revolutionary believed to be the
regime's true leader, died in 1998. He was never prosecuted.)
The tribunal seeks to expose their precise actions during the
regime's hyper-violent reign. After ousting a corrupt US-backed ruler in
1975, the communist Khmer Rouge attempted to dial Cambodia back to a
theoretical "Year Zero" in which no trace of the former nation remained.
They set about murdering the educated, monks and the upper classes.
Urban dwellers were
dragged to farms where, along with peasants, they toiled in slavery to advance a Maoist fantasy.
After witnessing so many foreign incursions into Cambodia — from
French colonialists, the Vietnamese and US bomber jets — the Khmer Rouge
leaders hoped Cambodia could become totally self-reliant through
agricultural revolution.
More from GlobalPost: Cashing in on the Khmer Rouge
Nuon Chea, considered Pol Pot's right-hand man, remains unrepentant
at 86. "I had to leave my family behind," he told the tribunal earlier
this year, "to liberate my motherland from colonialism, aggression and
oppression … by the thieves who wished to steal our land and wipe
Cambodia off the face of the world."
The mission left roughly a fifth of Cambodia's population dead from
execution, disease and starvation. Its legacy continues to warp the
nation, one of Asia's poorest. Tourists and Cambodians alike can visit
Cambodia's so-called killing fields, mass graves where bone fragments
still fleck the soil and skulls are arranged in tall towers. At the most
notorious grave site, Choeung Ek, visitors are guided by audio tour to a
tree used by Khmer Rouge soldiers to bash in babies' heads. More
skeletons remain buried in undiscovered graves: in recent weeks,
villagers in Cambodia stumbled upon a previously unknown burial site filled with at least 20 skulls.
Seeking justice for those atrocities isn't cheap.
According to the tribunal's financial records, the trial now requires
roughly $3.8 million a month to stay afloat. Initiated in 2006, the
tribunal has so far spent in excess of $140 million, a sum amassed from
both major donors (Japan, $76 million; US, $11 million) and much smaller
contributions (Microsoft, $100,000; Namibia, $500).
More than 60 percent of the money pays salaries and benefits for the 470-odd jobs created by the tribunal.
Scheffer, an ambassador-turned-fundraiser, has grown accustomed to
defending the tribunal's price tag. "The perception that international
justice is expensive is somewhat misleading," he said. The budget, he
said, is the "whole ball of wax": witness protection, a new court
building, heavy security, training and skilled teams of investigators.
"These are not common crimes," he said. "Investigating them costs money
and bringing leaders to justice costs money."
And what of the contention that Cambodia — beset with decrepit
infrastructure and a compromised justice system — could make better use
of $140 million? "You go to Capitol Hill and say to members of Congress,
'You know what? I'd love to have tens of millions of dollars to build
up legal reform in Africa or Latin America or wherever.' You're
confronting deer eyes. It does not compute," he said. "They don't look
at that money and say, 'Oh, by the way, we're going to abandon
international justice and pump it into development objectives.'"
The scramble for funds has previously tilted the tribunal into crisis
mode. Earlier this year, the courts were unable to pay many of its
Cambodian employees for more than a month. The courts will continue
presenting evidence on the current four defendants well into next year.
If it collapses before their sentencing, the trial will end with a
single conviction. Kaing Guek Eav, alias Duch, is serving life in prison
for overseeing a torture and execution center the tribunal's judges
called a "factory of death." He is complicit in 12,000 killings, the
court ruled.
Also in the balance are troves of evidence collected against other
high-ranking Khmer Rouge leaders. This would please Cambodia's current
premier, Hun Sen, himself a former Khmer Rouge battalion commander. (He
later defected and aided Vietnam in toppling the regime.) Via his
foreign affairs minister, Hun Sen publicly warned the UN to stop
indicting ex-Khmer Rouge cadres after the current quartet are
More from GlobalPost: When genocide turns personal
The tribunal as originally conceived would target more than a dozen
suspects, Scheffer said, even though victims' support groups have
agitated for many more. "I know this is a great disappointment to many
Cambodian victims," he said. "But it would be misleading for anyone to
think this court has a capacity to go beyond, in the best case scenario,
the 10 to 15 range."
But as it stands, the tribunal is in no position to plan for
best-case scenarios. Foreign judges have resigned, citing government
interference. In the current global financial climate, the case for
funding the tribunal is more difficult to make. And the high-ranking
Khmer Rouge officials who brought so much killing and sorrow upon their
fellow Cambodians are fading with age.
"I'd hope the prospect of [the trial's collapse] would shock
governments and some philanthropists into saying, 'Well, that cannot
possibly be the outcome of this effort,'" Scheffer said. "Let's just
hope we don't face the unthinkable."
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