Cambodia, Kompong Chhnang Province, Vietnamese fishermen on Tonle Sap River
KAMPONG CHNANG, 1 September 2012 (Cambodia Herald) – Five villagers from Kompong Leng district appeared in
Kampong Chhnang Provincial Court Friday for setting fire to Vietnamese fishing gear.
Public prosecutor Penh Vibol said the villagers
seized seven boats from the Vietnamese in April and asked for five
million riel ($1,250). They set fire to two boats with fishing nets when the
Vietnamese didn’t have money to pay, he added.
The five villagers were summoned to appear in court on Friday last week, but had sought to delay the hearing.
About 70 villagers were seen outside the court wearing Cambodian People’s Party shirts. [Even the CPP T-shirts won't help them, when they dare to fight with the Vietnamese].
said Vietnamese vessels had been catching fish in an area where local
residents had set their nets in April. The villagers ask the Vietnamese
to leave but they refused so the villagers set fire to their nets.
five villagers appearing in court were identified as Thim Thim, 48,
Noun Kha, 36, Chok Houn, 66, Leng Chhoeun, 36, and Chea Chak, 45.
Read the article above is sickening to my stomarch.Who country is Cambodia? Vietnamese country or Khmer country!? Cpp cronies said "don't help them because they dare to stand up against Vietnamese" Those Cpp were traitors to our nation by standing with Yuon Yiek cong.My question is Cpp what side Sreynich you on? Khmers or Yuons? This khmers'soil here,khmers doesn't deserve to be threat like that they....
We will see if Vietnamese who had been catching fish in an area where local residents had set their nets already are above the law and the if the judes will be doing Vietcong justice! We will know the color of the judge's skin.
We must side with justice. You can't destroy somebody's boats like that. It's like Thai kill Khmers for crossing the border. Both kill people because destroying boats you take away their means for a living. Let the law take care of itself.
12:53 AM You fail Khmer fishers again and let Vietcong make the law. Where are those Viets from? Why and how they come here to steal Khmer fishes? Each time between Youns and Khmers, the slaves in Cambodia who want to please their masters ignore justice for Cambodians and let go the foreigner criminals. Please wake up! Having this attitude is playing in the hand of those who are against the CPP. Khmer people now know who they will vote in at the next election.
Yes you're right 1:24Am.These Yiek cong were illegal on khmer's soil they has no right to be on khmer's soil.U!12:53am stupid by comparing Siam killed Khmer with Yuon fishers illegal.If khmers were Siamese all these Yuon be death in the water where they were fishing,but khmers were didn't kill Yuon they just destroyed the nets,your comparision is stupid indeed.
Khmers were too nice thatwise Yuons walked all over their head,Yuons good at bribes khmer's officials with their women pussies and khmers officials blinded turns against their own people,if this case goes against Khmer villagers the officials has a big problem.I was born here at
Psah krom I knew the place very well.
Yobal Khmer.
Imagine if khmers were in Srok Yuon fishing illegally and Yuon caught them,tell me what would be the punishment that Yuon will do to khmers!
Yuon will kill khmers without hesitation just like Siamese kill khmers crossing border looking fir work.
These two barbaric's races has no regard for human lives.Khmers crossing only burned their nets that is nothing compare to what they did to us.Help khmers,dont help Yuons or siam.
don't hate them,,
we have justice/law- in Cambodia, why not? prosecute them - if had found guilty
of course, they deserved to be in prison..
don't burnt thier personal belonging
Justice of mobs. That's what you are describing. You assumed these people not legal? Most of them are citizens. You are not even Cambodia citizens after you gave it up for foreign citizenship. Cambodia is a land of laws, whoever breaks the laws must face the court. No mob rule ok?
Do justice a favor please don't preaching nonsense,your Priminister Hun sen and Heng DumbRin brokes all the laws in your books,why don't prosecute them? They were not just broked the laws they had commited treason as well.They giving khmers land to their Boss[ Yuon] for you 5:39am to preach law and order in here,please prosecute your pm to set a good example for us to follow.
I am Khmer,don't you dare telling me that am not....Ah jong rai yo !!!
We only set fire on the Youn's fishing gear, the Youn for sure will set fire on us to dead.
I'm not suggesting we should start getting even with the Youn and the Siam, we have been too innocent too long, Youn would kill us instantly if we in their water, the Siam would shoot to kill us with questions us if we step foot in their land.
We[Khmer] would to to jail by our gov't for only setting fire to their fishing gears.
How can anyone justify this treatment to our Khmer people.
It only happen in Cambodia, which the law or the government officials favour other than their own people and country. Cambodia has the dumpest leaders in the entire world. That's why the country is shrinking every day, because of these incompetence leaders. I wonder how long can Khmers race exist in SE Asia, probably it will vanish within my life time. Sad to think like that, but it enivetble unless we Khmer change our attitude especially our leaders.
To 1 September 2012 5:39 AM
A frog in the well.
A frog in a small water well indeed....defend/assisted our enemy to kill our friends[khmers] A frog like you will meet the hungry's snake one day soon....Good luck a little frog....
12:53 AM, read the article again. The Viets fished in an area where Khmers had fished and set their nets. The Viet refused to leave. I think the Viet destroyed the Khmer fishermen's nets and their fishing lots, that's why they set fire to the Viet's nets in retaliation. I don't side with anyone, but I side with justice- how come the court did not prosecute the Viet fishermen for fishing in Khmer fishermen's lots and for destroying their nets? Is this what you called justice?
U right, they destroyed khmer's nets first,trays what they deserve for invasion Khmer's private fishing spots.Yuon lucky they mess with good decent khmers.If they mess with Siamese all Yuons fishermen were death in that water,their copses were fishes's foods already,and Siamese officials will side with their own people,unlike dumb Cpp side with Yuon.
Read the article khmers wore Cpp shirt said:"That what you got for messing with Yuon" what did they meant by that!? Sound like khmers live or dies under Yuon/khmers must serves Yuon!!That what its sound to me like, when I read the article.To me side with your own brothers&sisters,not side with an invaders.Yuons fishermen were wrong100% quilty,don't respect people's property.
We must love our brother &sisters side with them,help them,prosecute the invaders,teach them lesson to respect the owner of the land like Siamese they all side with their people.until then,just remember Yuons wants to killed us,Siamese wants to destroy us,only khmers that can save /loves khmers...United we stand,divide we fall..
Do you guys think the CPP has already sold everything valuable from us to foreigners? It scares me to think that everything, land, lake, islands, mine fields, everything has foreign owners already and we don't even know this. It's like Khmers are now walking on private properties, and we don't even know about it. This mystery and uncertainty are so scary.
Yes,if you walk on pigs property that look good and clean yard,you'll get shot from behind, just watch out ok! Cpp sold everythings to Yuons n' Chins...Khmers owned by these pigs khmer's cpp-yuons...
They should have burned everything,not just the two boats...i mean it, everything.
Actually what happened was that Vietnamese vessels had been catching fish in an area where local residents had set their nets and when the villagers ask the Vietnamese to leave and they refused, so it was clearly a provocation. If you let the foreigners feel they can make the law they end up thinking they are actually the owner of the land. How can you deal with provocations besides showing that you cannot be intimidated! If the villagers were to be punished, you can be sure that the next time this thing will happen again. The Viets will provoke again because they can be sure that the authority will side with them again. If the police was to intervene, they should have done so when the Viets were first provoking the villagers by setting their net where local residents were fishing first. Please remember what happened in Kraing Yeay during the French colonial era, a riot by Khmer women, wives of men arrested by the French for being too poor to pay taxes. That led to ending the life of the French tax collector! We could say the same for the “jackerie”or riot like in Samlaud, Battambang during the ’60 as well. The simmering anger is like water, once boiled; it would be very hard to be kept quiet under the pot lit.
Thai should set fire to all illegal Khmers trying to make a living in Thailand territories.
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