Thursday, 19 July 2012
Seth Kimsoeurn
Phnom Penh Post
setting off to perform in Australia for a week, actress Sam Mana spoke
out about rumours that her business has gone bankrupt.
actress, who was accused last year of accepting money from a rich
customs officer to open a big beauty salon, denied that she wants to
sell the salon because she’s in debt.
The US$200,000 house was
recently put up for sale, leading people to suspect that the 21-year-old
has been throwing her money away.
“I flew to Australia with great sorrow,” said the actress, who is Down Under for her first overseas appearance.
don’t want people to think that I’m incapable and in debt because I
closed down my business… I want to close down my business and sell that
house because it is a tiring job in a busy noisy business complex.
If I can sell that house, I’ll use the money to buy a big villa in a quiet neighbourhood.”
To contact the reporter on this story: Seth Kimsoeurn at
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