A Change of Guard

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Tuesday 22 May 2012

Sam Meas is running for State Senate in Massachusetts

"I'm running..."
Dear Friend,

Last week I submitted my nominations papers to the Secretary of State. We collected over 580 certified signatures and I am officially on the ballot!

I am humbled and honored to be a candidate for State Senate in the First Essex District. I have worked hard my entire life to provide for my beautiful family and create a setting where my kids can grow up to be anything that they want.

America is the land of opportunity and I have lived it first hand. Now I desire to give back to this country that has given me so much. I want to ensure that the same dream that was offered to me as a young Cambodian immigrant is offered to all Americans.

Massachusetts has been heading down a difficult path in recent years. Businesses are leaving, jobless numbers are still high and our government on Beacon Hill seems to be out of touch on every issue.

I hope to change all of that and provide a fresh voice of change and responsible governing to the State House.

Please join me in my campaign. Visit my campaign web site to learn more about the campaign and sign up to volunteer!

With your help, we can bring responsble and responsive leadership to Beacon HIll.


To learn more about Sam Meas or to donate/join his team, click here.


Anonymous said...

Hello Sam,
We are very happy and excited to know that a Khmer( of course Khmer American ) is running for
a US Senate seat.
We will support you.
May all the Force be with you !

A Khmer Girl

Anonymous said...

Sam...you should run as a Democrat instead of the Republican. I know most Asain-American, esp. Khmers are Democrat.