A Change of Guard

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Monday, 28 May 2012

No nepotism, no power transfer from father to son

By Young Khmer professional

Re: Let’s pool our Khmer potential for our country’s development! 

There is no wrong or no right. We are only talking about potential future leaders of our beloved Cambodia. Everyone is entitled to his/her opinions based on what he/she is thinking at this moment, no one can predict the future, especially with the CPP in-charge today.

My personal opinion is: No NEPOTISM, NO POWER TRANSFER FROM FATHER TO SON. It's bad for the country to spread this kind of practice and nothing is going to change from NEPOTISM, the father (Hun Sen) is still interfering if Dr Manet takes over without Democratic election process.

All I can say is that NEPOTISM is bad for any society....Communism=NEPOTISM=Monarchy transfer power from father to son like N.Korea, which is bad for the people.

Democracy is the way, vote for the people, by the people to run the country. The leaders work to benefit their people as whole.

Young Khmer professional...
 Hun Sen can pick any successor he wants

By A Khmer Patriot 

Re: Hun Sen’s divide-and-rule chess game

Dear Compatriot Usa,

First of all, thank you for being civil.
Please hold off your preaching on democracy, human rights, and nepotism, in particular. With just a little supplemental research, I can write a book on the subjects.

Let me make my case clear, once and for all.
I too, like many others, detest nepotism but if it is used as a tool to solve a unique problem, then be it.

Let's solve the problems at hands.
You and I are on the same page, in fact at the same equation. To break up the logjam, I just moved one unknown from the left side to the right.

Let me explain it with a driving analogy. We intend to push Hun Sen off from the driver seat to the passenger seat. He can pick any successor he wants, including one of his children, preferably Dr. Manet. Yes, King (Kong) Hun Sen will do the "picking", not the CPP politburo. He relies on his Jungle's Constitution.
Hun Sen, you and I share 99% DNAs of chimpanzee. But Kong, I meant King Hun Sen does not have full 1% of intelligence or intellect. Hopefully, the chosen one does.
Now,OUR SRP is primed for a "Kill " on a young, inexperienced and untested baby tiger.
The perception and support, if any of the Khmer people in large will then be different, if not diminished for the Hun dynasty.
Instead of taking 15 to 20 years, may be SRP can win in 5 years.
Let's try a NEW solution.

A definition of insanity is keep doing the SAME things, and expect DIFFERENT results.



Anonymous said...

Thank you for your kind words.
I would want to read your book very badly. Hun Sen would purchase millions of them.

Now you make your stand very clear that “Hun Sen can pick any successor he wants”. It sounds like you are a Machiavellianism: Results justify the means. This sounds very familiar to me because Hun Sun is a Machiavellian; he doesn’t care about the means (either killing or cheating) only if he gets the results he wants.

Moreover, you expect a better result for Cambodia by abandoning laws and control mechanism and let a country’s future under the mercy of Hun Sen and his son.

Your theory is something like this:
Cuba’s Fidel Castro hand-picked Raoul Castro==> nothing better;
N Korea’s Kim Jung Iltransferred power to Kim Jung Un ==> nothing better;
Syria’s Hafez al-Assad hand-picked Bashar Hafez al-Assad ==> nothing better; but if
Cambodia’s Hun Sen hand-picks Hun Maneth ==> thing WILL change for the better. Bravo!!!

Are you kidding?

Best regards,

Anonymous said...

Hun Sen is likely to stay until he is 90 years old. Why don’t we promote the ideas that Cambodia should have a strong system for controlling power transition after Hun Sen era. We should convince Hun Sen to be the champion in drafting this system. With this strong system, no any individual could do whatever he/she wants.
Please don’t misjudge that SRP would win over the young Hun Manet in 5 year. I think the Hun dynasty would last another 50 years if we don’t follow the rules/laws and a good system.

Anonymous said...

Hey Hun Cent can retire early

Anonymous said...

Do you think so? Ok, you know, really? Lol


Anonymous said...

If the SRP adopts a political line (probably in its 13th point) stating that Hun Sen can pick up any successor he wants, it is nothing less than a political suicide. Suicidal suicidal suicidal...so a song goes. Ok you know really? Lol

Anonymous said...

You quoted a marketing gig saying that: A definition of insanity is keep doing the SAME things, and expect DIFFERENT results.

But ironically, you support the SAME Hun dinasty to lead Cambodia again and again, and you expect a DIFFERENT result. Is it your innovative idea? or insanity? or stupidity?

I would feel bored to death before the end of my remaining 10 years of my life. Too fed up with Hun family! Enough is enough!


Anonymous said...

I live under Hun Sen's opression another 10 years
My children under the yoke on Hun Maneth another 40 years
My grand children and great grand children are living under the dictatorship of Hun Maneth's son another 40 years. Oh my God!