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Wednesday, 18 April 2012

My Response to Bangkok Post/Mr. Pandey's Shocking Article

By Davan Long
Letter to the editor of Bangkok Post

Dear editors,

As a citizen of Cambodia, I feel compelled to respond to the shocking article entitled ''Poor Cambodia not looking so 'poor' any more'' by Umesh Pandey, posted in the opinion section on April 6, 2012. I find it quite odd that such article, which would have been instantly rejected by reputable media outlets in any civilized society due to its offensive nature and sub-standard quality of journalism, somehow managed to find its place in a renowned national newspaper such as the Bangkok Post.

Allow me to address some of the points mentioned by Mr. Pandey. It is totally absurd for him to imply that the Royal Government of Cambodia (RGC), or the government of any other country on Earth for that matter, sends its citizens abroad to become beggars. Granted that there are Cambodians begging in Bangkok, Pattaya and Phuket; but had Mr. Pandey done the slightest background work prior to writing his article, he would have quickly found out that most of those beggars were held captive and forced to beg by the criminals or human traffickers in your country. Scores of Cambodians have been tricked to come to Thailand on the promise of a better-paid job, only later to find themselves held hostage and submitted into all kinds of inhuman treatments in the Land of Smiles. Interestingly enough, I wonder what Mr. Pandey has to say about Thai prostitutes overseas. Have they been exported by your country?

Mr. Pandey’s seemingly inadequate knowledge and understanding of neighbouring countries is quite disturbing, given his glamorous job title of Asia Focus Reporter. Like other emerging countries in the World, Cambodia welcomes and is grateful for all foreign aid and assistances to accelerate the development of its human resources, economy and infrastructure. For the record, let there be no doubt in anyone’s mind that contrary to Mr. Pandey’s preposterous statement, the RGC has no “begging bowl”. Since Mr. Pandey seems to find great joy in equating a legitimate recipient of international aid to a beggar, let me remind him that Thailand itself was historically one of the biggest recipients of foreign aid. In fact, Thailand was listed as an economic aid recipient until 2002. During its financial crisis in 1997, Thailand would have arguably become a bankrupt nation had it not received the $17 billion bailout fund from the IMF. In the late 1980s, Thailand was one of the epicenters for the growing HIV/AIDS pandemic according to the World Health Organization (WHO). Without the prolonged financial and technical assistances from foreign donors, Thailand probably still remains one of the epicenters of HIV pandemic today.

With regard to Cambodia’s foreign relations, the RGC fully recognizes that it has a special relationship with China. However, contrary to Mr. Pandey’s wild imaginations, that relationship does not hinder Cambodia’s ability and commitment to fulfill its ASEAN chairmanship mandate. Indeed, it is exactly the opposite. As a long-time trusted friend of China, Cambodia looks forward to capitalize on that friendship to promote constructive dialogs between ASEAN and China and to ultimately address the issue of South China Sea sovereignty in a manner that is acceptable to all claimants. Mr. Pandey’s implicit suggestion that China lobbied Cambodia and that some wheeling and dealing took place prior to the Summit at the expense of ASEAN, is utterly misleading and entirely speculative. Ironically, if ASEAN were to apply his logic, Thailand would have been unfit for its roles as ASEAN chairman in 2009 and general secretary since 2008 because of the armed standoff with Cambodia over the Preah Vihear issue.

Mr. Pandey seriously needs to get a grip and raise the bar for his journalism.


Anonymous said...

Davan Long,

You still don't get it. Under the Communist CPP regime controlled by the Communist Vietnam, especially the Vietnamese puppet Hun Sen, the news or articles from this CPP regime did not tell the truth, but lied everywhere. How are we Khmer people still believing the real situation in Cambodia when it comes to violence, corruption, power abuse, authoritarians, murder, plaintiff, traffic violation, shooting, land grabbing, Vietnamese encroaching, illegal Vietnamese migrants, Vietnamese investment frauds, child trafficking, woman abusing, bad working conditions, scandals, and beyond.

Do you want Cambodia country and her people to live in the miserable life under such the bad CPP regime under the secret protection and dirty plans from Vietnamese leaders in Hanoi?

There are many hypocrite Vietnamese advisers are scandals in CPP regime, providing the misleading information and miscalculation to blind Khmer leaders who were only fifth grade in school. Those Khmer kids and teenagers in the remote countryside of Cambodia fled to the jungles under the influence of Ho Chi Minh or bad Vietnamese influences in order to join the armies as Khmer Rouges (dirty Vietnamese secret plans vs Pol Pot's Khmer Rouges) and became brainwashed. Those teenagers were trained in Vietnam based camps in the jungle and brainwashed to believe in only Ho Chi Minh who their guidance. Yes, Vietnamese leaders and military commanders had very dirt games and tricks to deceive the uneducated Khmer teenagers and kids who were easily targeted in order for these dumb Khmer teenagers to be part of Khmer Vietminh and Yuon Vietminh (as you know, they are Heng Samrin, Chea Sim, So Phim, Hor Nam Hong, Sok Kong, etc.) to fight and kill their Khmer people.

After eliminated all high educated Khmer people during the Killing Fields, there are only a few left over who hiding themselves, not to expose themselves as high educators.

So, why many Khmer people (a half of Khmer populations)in Cambodia who have been living in a very comfortable life are so fooled and so gullible to believe in the most corrupted CPP regime under the bad influence of Communist Vietnam? Hun Sen is still not waking up because he still believes what the outcome as the results in Cambodia in such a foolish way. He thinks billions of dollars and power are easy for him and he had never been a billionaire before when it comes to his low class education (but his PhD without studying) and knowing nothing of how to rebuild and develop the country of Cambodia. He has been using the his Communist Vietnamese advisers to provide assistance and expertise to him, but nothing is really help to develop and rebuild Cambodia. However, Cambodia has been a land and its natural resources for Sales for billions of dollars under the destructive and poisonous plans of his Communist Vietnamese advisers. Hun Sen has been so blind with the military bodyguard assistance from Vietnamese military commanders and general and Hanoi leaders because these have led the hidden Vietnamese armies hiding in Cambodia. The world has not known yet about the current trick of Vietnam until today because of their footsteps of evil Ho Chi Minh.

Hun Sen and his CPP family ties have been currently playing dirty politics in the international stages. Billions of dollars which have come from the illegal land grabbing from innocent Khmer people and farmers, deforestation, illegal land concessions leases, Angkor Wat that was given or rented to illegal greedy Yuon pig Sok Kong, etc., and plus the billions of dollars from international donors have been stolen by Hun Sen and his CPP clans. Now, we can see that Cambodia is a land for Sales in the very illegal ways. Cambodia is still very unlawful country and so corrupted under the CPP regime, a secret plan of Hanoi leaders.

It is not too late that Cambodian people and soldiers to wake up to fight back.

It is a wake-up call for all Khmer/Cambodia people.

hamona said...

Cambodian works in Thai because of job and better pay.
There are as many prostitutes in Cambodia as in Thailand.
Big deal!!
If you want to blame, blame the CPP for destroying Cambodia

Anonymous said...

This Cpp clans still defend their boss,and blind not to see the truth.Mr:Umesh,three days observations exposed the naked truth to the world and Cpp clans trying to hide for decades,now when foreigner exposes their dirt secrets they don't let the story dies,now they give fault statement blaming the journalism who had seen in his own eyes.

If this journalism is [Khmer] he is "death" for writting this article to exposed Cpp,since he is not Khmer Cpp can only discredit him. I am Khmer as well, you can lie to the world or foreigners but you can't lie to me,I am very glad that Mr Umesh wrote the truth about his three days observations,the truth about Huncent acted infront of the world stage for example:gangster/strongman attitude toward media foreigners or Cambodians alike.

Cpp wants to prove that Mr;Umesh,wrong and discredit him,but as Khmer citizens I myself credit Mr;Umesh up to 98% right!... I am not Cpp nor belong to any one party.Just like Yu Ay before this guy trying to hide the truth,but are the truth LOVERS we will exposes all corrupted Cpp trying to hide.

This guy and Yu Ay were nothing but trying to make Cpp looking good by hiding the fact or cover up the truth, because they benefit from Cpp clans.

........truthfully koun Khmer...

Anonymous said...

I would wish Davan Long to defend Cambodia and Cambodian territorial integrity rather than defending a dictator like Hun Sen. I never see Davan Long defend Khmer territory being encroached by Vietnam and condemn the land grab and forced evictions that have been carried out by Hun Sen and his clans. However, when someone speaks the truth and criticize Hun Sen he jump the gun in no time to defend him.

It is regrettable that an educated person like Davan Long chose to side with evil against the helpless victims and good people.

Anonymous said...

Everyone in the world know that the Bangkok Post is a piece of shit. It's called amazing Thailand because Thai people are so ignorant allowing their country changing its name from Siam to Thai by an evil Plek Phibun Songkream who licking the Japanese ass stealing Khmer land and killing million innocent people and allies during world war II.
Winston Churchill refused to recognized Thailand changing by an evil. People of Italy hanging Mussolini for his war crime against humanity but people of Siam made an evil as Thai hero. Thai don't even know what language they speak, they speak Thai instead of Tai. Thai stole Tai speaking language and changed Tai to Thai. It's like the English of Australia speaking Australian instead of English that beacause the English were conqueror but Thai, they were thieves.

Anonymous said...

18 April 2012 11:23 AM,

You are defending the real killers from Communist Yuon who protected the Khmer Vietminh killer Hun Sen (Vietnamese dog) who is not in power.

You need to focus on the losing Cambodian land to Vietnam and the Khmer victims of the murderous Yuon/Vietcong bloody killers.

So, stop blaming Thai for now. Don't be crazy.

Anonymous said...

Stop being cpp gaurd's dog Davan!..Its too sad to see educator like Davan blinded by the blinks,blinks,blinks ( diamonds,goldsdollars villars,new lexas etc ) that cpp gaven him and his families to be a gaurd's dog to protect ( Cpp ) from being exposed to world.

As a Khmer citizen that not belong to any party I have seen on my own two eyes how this corrupted regime conducts their business by make it looks good at the outside, but inside is nothing but corrupted officials,land grabbing,murderers got loose from K.R regime,all their hands were stains with khmers innocence's bloods to these days....

I am Khmer didn't like corruption,don't like bribery,like to live harmony and fairness,but your regime is trying to hide the truth,by defending the truth from leaking to the world,just like lady You Ay before you got smashed/slapped by the truth seekers in here like Mr;Umesh,me among many others ,because the truth is a fabric of justice in society.

Its very sad to see educator like Davan got lost in the nets of lies, cheats, steals, kills,by Cpp criminals.Furthermore,its sad to see that your hands is stains with khmers bloods by association with Cpp,you are as qiulty as the killers Cpp Davan!...

Davan,You Ay,welcome to hall of shame....!
Srey Khmer.

Anonymous said...

Shame on you [Davan&Yuon Ay] shame on all Cpp clans whose preach corruptions..shame on Cpp whose graded people land like You Ay stolen khmers people land in Limping Speou while back, I hope Hun sen will hits his clans with his big stick...or open his blinded eye to see the truth and defend the truth.

Cpp peam kdoh Yuon.

Anonymous said...

Thailand is a piece of shit of Cambodia Khmer left over for 500 years and still not able to develop their own Thai shit culture. Thai princess showed her boobs naked video showing around the world of Thai shit culture and the car bombs keep blowing up killing Thai people everyday. Siam was very bad name destroying by Burma, bombing by British and allies. Brtish dumped million of foreign death bodies in Thailand to mark Thailand is a war criminal who comitted war crime against humanity during WWII.
The car bombs keep blowing up killing Thai people everyday because Thai people are so ignorant and arogant stealing everyone culture, lands and temples.