A Change of Guard

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Thursday 29 March 2012

Hun To complaint seeks ‘clarification’ [Does Hun To dare to sue the newspaper in Australian court?]

Chhay Channyda with additional reporting by Kristin Lynch
Wednesday, 28 March 2012
Phnom Penh Post

Prime Minister Hun Sen’s nephew Hun To (pictured) said yesterday that he has filed a complaint with the Australian Embassy in Phnom Penh against Australian newspaper The Age after it named him in connection with a drug-trafficking and money-laundering racket.

The complaint to the embassy follows a similar complaint filed by Hun To’s lawyers on Monday with the Ministry of Interior.

“This complaint is to ask the paper for clarification and to show the proof to me. If they don’t, I will seek a lawyer and file a lawsuit,” Hun To told the Post yesterday.

On Monday, the Australian daily reported that Hun To had been targeted by Australian police investigating a massive heroin drug-trafficking scheme between Cambodia and Australia in the early 2000s, funnelling the funds through a Melbourne casino.

In yesterday’s edition of the Post, Hun To, whose wife and children reside in Melbourne, vehemently denied the accusations made in The Age.

Ministry of Interior spokesman Khieu Sopheak, who met with Hun To’s lawyers the day the article was published, said he had checked the information in the story and it “wasn’t true”, and denied Hun To’s name had ever been connected with drug trafficking.

A spokesman for The Age said yesterday that the newspaper stands by the veracity of its story.

The Australian Embassy in Phnom Penh refused to comment on the issue and would not confirm or deny receipt of Hun To’s complaint, stating that they do not comment on current legal investigations.


Anonymous said...

This gangster-mafia used to threaten, terrorized lot of people in cambodia, usually toward young pretty girls...Touch Srey Nich(former singer) was kidnapped and raped by this gangster for couple month, but he throw some 20-30,000. in cash$$ to shut off her family!! He was involved in drugs trafficking, human trafficking too...Every young girl had a nightmare of this gangster!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Way back in 1990-2000, people were affraid of this monster....Especially young girls!

Anonymous said...

This gangster race his sport car in the middle the heart of Phnom Penh city just like his backyard play ground...??

Anonymous said...

Man, he's really pissed off now, he wish he would kill again like he did back in 90's era...The new paper people will be death!!

Anonymous said...

2:25 AM, I heard the same story. When Touch Srey Nich was kidnapped there were big news in Cambodia. They said she was kidnapped by a son of a powerful people and later on people knew that it was Hun To who kidnapped her. She was released later, but kept very quiet because she was too scared. Then in 2003, she was gunned down in broad daylihgt and paralyzed for life and living in fears in America. There were rumors that she was shot because of a trangle love affairs. Could it be that Hun To was the one who contracted hitmen to kill her?

Anonymous said...

He's a monster who terrorized all pretty young girls in cambodia...His body guard very cruelty people...Kidnapped, raped...

Anonymous said...

This fool will be in my watch list...!

Anonymous said...

Hun To will be on the "No-fly" list. The places he can visit are: Cambodia and Vietnam.

Also, if Kith Meng is implicated with crime, he'll be listed on the "No-fly" list.

Can you imagine have all the money in the world and not able to visit places you like.

Welcome to blacklist!

Anonymous said...

Speaking of Kith Meng, I think he may involved with Hun To too...