A Change of Guard

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Tuesday 27 March 2012

Cambodian man, 20, now living in U.S.: Wants to date Chinese classmate

26 March 2012
Voice of America

I'm 20 and I'm studying in Los Angeles. I want to date a girl from China. I see her twice a week because we are classmates. We have eaten out twice together. The conversations were OK. I spoke more than her. It seems she was shy.

Since we are different nationalities, I don't know if should I date her. Also, she might be busy most of the time, and always stays home because she goes out only when her mom says OK.

She just moved to LA for almost a year, and I'm not sure if it is OK for her to be dating.

So what should I do, make a move and ask her out for a movie?

To give him advice, please visit Voice of America.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey Dude,
Chinese girl is not that difficult to get. I used to have both Chinese and Korean girl friends (Now, I have Vietnamese girlfriend).
If you want to date a Chinese girl, you should know her background first. Where does she live? In China, there are both modern and rural area. The modern like Shanghai, they are not Traditional Thai. Shanghai, Hong Kong,Huizhou, Beijing, Quindao, Zhengzho, Tianjin people are easily to date than other Xining, Shaoxing, Yichang...etc....