A Change of Guard

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Wednesday 7 March 2012

Cambodian Children Saved from Begging Slavery [Cambodian children fall victims to a Vietnamese woman]

The Pattaya People

Police were called to intervene in an incident that occurred on Pattaya Beach Road on Sunday evening. Two sisters aged 7 and 10 from Cambodia had fallen victim to a Vietnamese woman who had apparently purchased them from their poor parents on the Cambodian border and brought them to Pattaya where she forced them to beg on the streets. Local residents were aware of the woman’s cruel antics and confronted her on many occasions. But this time as the woman was seen severely beating the children for not reaching their target; passersby got involved and called the police. Unfortunately, the woman had already fled the scene when police arrived, but the children were still there, and were later taken care of by the Children’s Protection Police who placed them in a children’s shelter. A search is now under way to trace this callous woman from Vietnam.


Anonymous said...

Put that woman in jail the rest of her life! Bought and abused children is the crimes....Jail her ass for good!

Anonymous said...

How many cambodian children are bought and sold and abused every year that are still victims of exploitation?