A Change of Guard

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Saturday, 29 January 2011

Anti-government leaflets distributed in Battambang

Border leaflets: Police seize anti-state documents

Phnom Penh Post

Border leaflets
Police patrolling in Battambang on Thursday morning found leaflets they described as containing an anti-government message related to Cambodian-Vietnam border issues.

Battambang town Police Chief Thuch Ra said the leaflets – which also referenced the arrest of Hun Hean, former Banteay Meanchey provincial police chief removed from office earlier this month on graft charges – were found by an officer at five locations near two local pagodas at about 5am.

“We have no clue yet about the case but we are working to find the distributor,” he said.

Battambang Provincial Police Chief Sar Thet said more than 60 anti-government leaflets were picked up by police.

“We gathered the leaflets and are searching for the distributors,” he said before declining to comment further.

Heng Say Hong, Licadho investigator in Battambang, said that as many as 80 anti-government leaflets were found by police referencing territory issues and describing Hun Hean as a “nationalist”.

Battambang police declined to describe the leaflets in detail other than to acknowledge that they carried an anti-government message.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hoon Zen becareful, just look at those three countries : Tunasia, Egypt, and yeman... if you surpressed people long enough they will pupups like this. now it time for Cambodian people wake up and do the same to this government. people want freedom of expression and no more coruption and a better life. let stand up and demand this from this government. let started now no later...