A Change of Guard

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Sunday, 25 April 2010

Laotian soldiers shot dead one Khmer and arrested two

By Khmerization
Source: CEN

Laotian soldiers based in Champasak province have shot dead one Khmer and arrested two by accusing them of illegally logging inside Laotian territory, reports Cambodian Express News.

Sources said that on 22nd April, 7 Cambodians had been taken into Laotian territory by timber traders through Kamkork Pass in Sieng Pang district by bringing many oxcarts with them. The sources said that Laotian soldiers at Champasak had later arrested two illegal loggers, but the third one, 27 year-old Prang Sokha, took a machete and chased the Laotian soldiers and he was shot dead immediately. The arrested two men were 29 year-old Hong Ho and and 36 year-old Sim Soeun. The other loggers were able to escape back to Cambodia, leaving behind their eqipments and oxcarts.

At the time of this article going to press, the Laotian soldiers had not handed over Mr. Prang Sokha's body to the Cambodian authority yet.

Just before the Khmer New Year, Stung Treng provincial authority had successfully negotiated with Laotian authority in Champasak province for the release of 17 Cambodian loggers.

Mr. Sy Sourn, Governor of Siem Pang district, said all the 7 alleged illegal loggers came from Kampong Chhnang province, but they came to Siem Pang dstrict to engage in timber trades.


Anonymous said...

damn stupid loggers. you can't use machete to fight against gun. if you think about committing crimes you should go all out. otherwise, you will end up dead like that.

Anonymous said...

We hear again and again about poor Khmer farmers have been shot dead and some burnt alive by Thai soldiers on Khmer- Thai border, and this time for the first time by Loastian soldiers, which is supposed to be freind of the CPP.

What happened above are the direct consequences of the economic mismanagement of the CPP. CPP have created this time bomd policy. Thousand of hectars have sold to Hanoi to plant rubbers or Cashew-nut plantation for 99 years. Can't Khmer farmers plant this rubbers plants by ourselves? While many poor Khmer farmers are desperate for work. We have thousand of Khmers are working illegally for Thai employers, who pay them penuts and many are being arrested and imprisoned.

The CPP deplomats are being sedated by corruption. They simply dont care about this. They don't see it as a problem, because those, who were killed were not Huns' clans.
They should have raised this issue seriously with these two countries to respect human right, which is the mother of all concern. Those who were killed are a part of us. What they been treat is what we all as a society been treated. Their dignity is our dignity.
Get real!

True Khmer

Anonymous said...

Sad really. Our Khmer people are so poor that they risked their life crossing the borders and got killed by foreign troops. This is the result of economic mismanagement and incompetent of Mr. Hun Sen who only worry about his power and pocket, but never worry about the welfare of the poor Khmers. Cambodia is rich in natural resources and I hope one day some good leaders will take charge and develop Cambodia to prosperity so our poor people don't need to cross borders and got killed like animals.