A Change of Guard

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Thursday, 10 December 2009


S K Monoha at one year old.

By S K MONOHA of Cambodia, France

You are there to be plunged in a deep sleep
He embraces your shade, he spices and supervises you
His heart is full with tenderness, at every moment with your awakening
With the rising of the dawn, you rise and you are merry
On your flowered lips of joy, You smile, you keep silent to yourself
Your husband, Indian, admire your face and your beauty in secrecy
Your beautiful black hair, your sweet eyes of almond, your fresh dye
Your sensual lips hanging itself with your neck
With a pleasure, he kisses you on your cheek
You, his beloved, you forget some sad moment
Your thoughts, your concern and your torment
He murmurs : Darling, my princess SISOWATH Mohismay Devi
He cherishes your beautiful chest and you give him a smile
He offers a rose to you, wedges it behind your ear
He love you more each day and kiss you when you are awakening
He speak to you, you just listening to his wonderful poems, full of tenderness
But, already you thought, if he didn't left his mistress ?
His mistress, only his work of diplomat, who call him constantly
Since a very small baby, mom left this world, me now, already an adult child
Still today, I think very strong of my beloved Cambodian mother, whom I miss.


Anonymous said...

Very beautiful poem and very sad also.

SK Monoha, so your mother was a princess and your father was an Indian diplomat? Sound great. And your poem is very beautiful and i feel very sad about your mother.

Anonymous said...

Thank dear Anomymous beloved for your kind comment over here.
All my life was adopt by so many woman ,live with only women most of the time.Well, Ung Bun Heang of sacrava toons 's mom also was my mother adoptif ... and this poem I adress to her too.
With a lot of love to all mother in this world.
S K MONOHA of Cambodia.Normandy.France