A Change of Guard

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Saturday 1 August 2009

Cambodian government enters crustacean trade

ABC Radio, Australia

The Cambodian government is entering the crustacean trade by planning to hatch some one million freshwater lobsters to meet local demand and cut imports.

The plan is to hatch one million juveniles which would be sold to domestic farmers looking to rear them for the local market.

Currently just 10 to 20 tonnes of wild freshwater lobsters are caught locally each year, with 3 tonnes a day brought in from Vietnam to satisfy demand.

Haing Leap, the deputy director of the Department of Fisheries at the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries says the Takeo provincial fisheries department has hatched 300 thousand baby lobsters since June.

He blames the low number of locally caught lobsters on environmental changes and the loss of sheltered areas for breeding females.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Cambodia so dependent on import that the population is believing that something produced inside the country is no good, something as simple as fruits and vegetables. Cambodia is capable producing her own foods without relying heavily on import from the neigbors. This dependent on import goods is making Cambodia more volnerable to political and economic arm-twisting from her neighbors.

Cambdoia has good soil that is rich in nutrient which can grow just about almost anything Thailand or Vietnam can grow with little or no chemical or fertilizer. Cambodia has rivers, lakes, and ocean that can catch and farm fishes, clams, lobsters, etc. With a populations of just 14 millions, that's a small mouths to feed. Cambodia should do more export than import. Yet, something dark and secret is keeping Cambodia from exploiting this advantages.

Cambodia needs to educated the populations to be self-sufficient of producing and consuming foods that is Cambodia-made, not too much of Thailand-made or Vietnam-made. This is one of Cambodia's weaknesses. It is rooted out not just from the goverment but also from the populations.