Source: Radio Free Asia
Reported in English by Khmerization
Mrs. Mu Sochua (pictured) had cried injustice a few hours after she was stripped of her parliamentary immunity on Monday morning, reports Radio Free Asia.
She had also said that the lifting of her and Mr. Ho Vann's immunity had shown a deterioration in the democratisation process in Cambodia. She said: "Where is justice? Is this parliament a real parliament or a Cambodian People's Party's parliament? We've seen that this (the lifting of immunity) shows a real danger to the democratic process in Cambodia."
Diplomats and journalists were not allowed to witness the lifting of the two MPs' immunity with a show of hands by MPs from the Cambodian People's Party, Funcinpec and Norodom Ranariddh Party.
Mr. Om Sam Ath, a representative of the human right group LICADHO, said that the lifting of an MP's immunity with just a show of hands without debates and without giving the MP's facing the immunity suspension an opportunity to defend themselves has caused Cambodia's fragile democracy to be more fragile. He said: "The charge of defamation is not a serious offence and the accused cannot be jailed. They can only be fined in monetary term only."
Mr. Ou Virak, director of the Cambodian Centre for Human Rights, said that the lifting of Mrs. Mu Sochua's and Mr. Ho Vann's immunity is an attempt by the government to silcence its critics. He said: "It is an effort by the government to put from pressures the opposition parties not to criticise the government. It is also a threatening message to other government's critics which shows that Cambodia does not want to allow any opinions that are different from the Prime Minister's opinions and the opinions of the ruling party."
Members of the diplomatic corpse had expressed disappointment that they have not been allowed to witness the lifting of the two MPs' immunity.
Mrs. Mu Sochua was sued by PM Hun Sen and Mr. Ho Vann was sued by 22 military officers for defamation. But he said that his remarks were misquoted by the Cambodia Daily which the newspaper had retracted immediately. Mrs. Mu Sochua's suit against Mr. Hun Sen for defamation has been dimissed by the court without proper reasons.
Reported in English by Khmerization
Mrs. Mu Sochua (pictured) had cried injustice a few hours after she was stripped of her parliamentary immunity on Monday morning, reports Radio Free Asia.
She had also said that the lifting of her and Mr. Ho Vann's immunity had shown a deterioration in the democratisation process in Cambodia. She said: "Where is justice? Is this parliament a real parliament or a Cambodian People's Party's parliament? We've seen that this (the lifting of immunity) shows a real danger to the democratic process in Cambodia."
Diplomats and journalists were not allowed to witness the lifting of the two MPs' immunity with a show of hands by MPs from the Cambodian People's Party, Funcinpec and Norodom Ranariddh Party.
Mr. Om Sam Ath, a representative of the human right group LICADHO, said that the lifting of an MP's immunity with just a show of hands without debates and without giving the MP's facing the immunity suspension an opportunity to defend themselves has caused Cambodia's fragile democracy to be more fragile. He said: "The charge of defamation is not a serious offence and the accused cannot be jailed. They can only be fined in monetary term only."
Mr. Ou Virak, director of the Cambodian Centre for Human Rights, said that the lifting of Mrs. Mu Sochua's and Mr. Ho Vann's immunity is an attempt by the government to silcence its critics. He said: "It is an effort by the government to put from pressures the opposition parties not to criticise the government. It is also a threatening message to other government's critics which shows that Cambodia does not want to allow any opinions that are different from the Prime Minister's opinions and the opinions of the ruling party."
Members of the diplomatic corpse had expressed disappointment that they have not been allowed to witness the lifting of the two MPs' immunity.
Mrs. Mu Sochua was sued by PM Hun Sen and Mr. Ho Vann was sued by 22 military officers for defamation. But he said that his remarks were misquoted by the Cambodia Daily which the newspaper had retracted immediately. Mrs. Mu Sochua's suit against Mr. Hun Sen for defamation has been dimissed by the court without proper reasons.
Justice is with Hun Sen.
This is justice under Hun Sen. The victim get prosecuted and the perpetrator get exonerated.
...waiting to see the day that the people write the same words on 'his' face as those that exist on Pol Pot's face in the Tuol Sleung walls (S21).
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